Part 7

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If I only knew this small walk road was leading up to a high mountain I would have take better shoes.

We have walked for an half hour and I could finally see the top. We would have come here quicker if Marzia didn't decide to stop every 5 minute to take a photo.

"Are you done soon?" I asked and looked over my shoulder.
Marzia was taking photo of the snow that was laying on the small tree and she was shifting ankles all the time to get the perfect picture. It wouldn't surprise me if she has Tumblr.

"You can go to the top if you want," Marzia said without looking up from her camera. "I'll catch you soon."

I gave a small sigh and went up to the top. It was beautiful view. I could see the big road that was filled with cars and I could see some few building from here. I breathed in the fresh air and try to move my toes inside my shoes but I couldn't feel them.

These shoes were useless now during winter. I hate them. I have to buy new shoes but at the same time I can't since Christmas is soon here and new year too. I have thought of buying something to Marzia but since we have only knew each other for a short time, it is maybe better to wait.

I heard a click and turned around to see Marzia stand there with her camera that was pointing at me. She took down her camera and smiled at me.
"I hope you don't mind me taking photos of you," she said. "I just thought you looked... really cool there you stood."

I nodded and smiled at her.
"Wait I want to see how I look," I said and walked over to her.
She nodded and pressed on the small buttons and showed the photo. It was my back and my blue hair that was showing and in front of me was the big road and all the small houses. The light was perfect since it was a little bit dark.

"Wow," was all I could say.
"You like it?" Marzia asked.
"Yes, yes of course I like it. You're amazing photographer."
I looked at Marzia and she was looking down but she was blushing a little bit.
"My teacher says that too," she said. "it usually piss off Jessica. She is amazing photographer too but in our last competition I won. The whole class gave me compliments but not Jessica."

"For me," I started to say and Marzia looked at me. "it feels like it something else between you and Jessica."
Marzia gave just a small nod.
"Well Jessica have never liked me. From the first day I think she started to dislike me. Maybe it's because I'm quiet and is the easiest to pick on. So she started with just bumping in to my shoulder and gave me glares. Then started to say to Elisa that I was skinny. She could then later say it to my face and yeah."

"Well she is a big idiot and you know it," I said but I couldn't help to say it almost with a growl. I hate Jessica but just picking on Marzia without any reason just made me more angry since Marzia is one of the people I doesn't hate on. "people like her are the shittiest people. They try to be something and they choose 'to be something I need to be better than anyone else and need to be bigger than them' which end up they won't come far. You'll come far Marzia."

Marzia gave a sniff, I held my breath just to hope she doesn't cry because I really don't know how to handle if someone is crying.
She looked up at me and her eyes was really sparkling and looked like she would soon fell some few tears but she didn't.
"You have a good heart Felix," she said.

I smiled back at her and felt it was a bit warm inside of me.
"Let's go back to the Campus," Marzia said and gave a chill. "it's actually really cold."
She turned around and walked down the mountain and I followed her.
"It isn't that cold," I said and actually started to feel really warm. "I'm really warm... like really warm, shit I'm probably sick."

I took off my jacket and held it in my arms and walked around in my t-shirt which it felt great but I was still hot.
"Do you know the feel before you freeze to death?" Marzia asked and looked at me. I shook my head. "People say they feel hot and take off all their clothes and walks around naked till they feel sleepy. When they pass out, it's their death and then they are freezing to death. I think you're feeling the same thing as they do."

I was a little bit chocked but still impressed that Marzia knows so much.
"Really?" I said and Marzia looked and me and nodded before she continued to walk. "Well then this is bad, I'm already feeling really hot."
"Don't worry," Marzia said. "it won't happen now to you, but of course, it's a scaring feeling."

We came quick down to the car and I started to feel really sick. When we sat down in the car I had to take deep breaths.
"I have water with me," Marzia said and picked up a bottle in her bag.

She gave it to me and I drank a lot of it.
"God," I said after I had drank up everything. "what a scary feeling... knowing that I was... walking next to death almost."
"Well that was deep," Marzia said.
"If you had English too you would have to be deep everyday."
I sighed a little bit. "But that you said that people have died that way is scary. Imagine being alone and knowing you're not really alone since death is walking next to you. Waiting for you to collapse and take a even longer walk. We don't know what will happen when we die but I think that I will take a long walk with death."

"But now you kind of tricked death," Marzia said.
"Yeah I did," I said and started the car.
It went quiet and we got closer to the Campus.

I'm not really scared of dying but I'm scared of after life. Aren't we all actually? Since no one knows what will happen and that scares humans. It's why religions exists. I don't have against people who believe in God or Gods.
I just think people made up religions to comfort people we will come somewhere there we are saved. That we don't have to be scared.

"Well," Marzia said when I parked the car. "soon the winter break starts."
"Yeah," I sighed. "christmas and new year."
"I'll be traveling to Italy... 1 week before vacation starts."
"Don't you have a lot of tests to do on the last week?"
"I made a deal with my teachers and I will make all my test during these weeks and weekends that is coming."

I gave a nod. Marzia is a hard worker. And I understand if she want to go home and be there for as long as she can. I don't mind getting home but my parents, as I have said before, they aren't really proud of me.
"I know this will sound silly," Marzia said and I turned my head to her. "but... what do you wish for Christmas?"

I stared at her, would she give me a gift? If that's so then I need to give something to her.
"I really don't know actually," I said and looked out of the window.
"Maybe a video game?" Marzia suggested.
"Probably," I gave a shrug. "why do you ask anyway?"

She had pinkish colour on her cheeks and was looking down. Oh god, she was about to buy me a gift.
But I can't let her buy a video game, that's way to expensive.
"I just thought of giving you a gift," Marzia mumbled.
She looked up at me and we looked at each other with no emotion before I smiled.

"What do you wish then?"

Hi, sorry for not have updated for long. I have a lot of things to do in school but I try at least updated so often as I can when I have free time.

Hope you guys have it great so far of 2016 !

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