Part 8

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1 month later, January 11th

The winter break was too short in my opinion. I have messed up my sleep schedule totally and I didn't even get a chance to turn it around.

But the christmas wasn't to bad actually, sure I didn't have got my gift from Marzia (we will give each other the gifts today) but my family was all excited when I was christmas shopping.


The whole family was at the big mall that is in my city. Marzia had said she didn't knew either what she wished so... I have to look in every store to see if I can find anything.

"Well family," my mom said. "should we split us in two groups?"
"Me and Felix then," said my sister Fanny and smiled while I nodded.

"It looks like it's you and me that walks together again this year," said dad to my mom with a smile.
Fanny don't want to walk with our parents, mostly because they never agree with the gifts she is showing what she will buy. "Are you sure he wants that?" "That's way to expensive!" "I'm sure he doesn't want that."

And then there is me: "I don't know, just buy it."
We said bye and went our separate ways. Fanny was leading us to H&M and I sighed but then I remembered that Marzia maybe want clothes.
But I don't know her size.

Fanny was quick to choose clothes and told me to look away since she found a shirt for me too. Fanny usually gives everyone in family clothes and then maybe something else. I looked around, nothing. I suck at shopping.

Some few girls were looking at me and when I passed them, they started to whisper. They probably whisper I'm such an emo or a punk. I'm neither of them in my opinion. I like to dress this way! Even my parents got way to shocked when I had entered my home.

It was because of my blue hair of course and they started to point out I would never get a job with that colour of my hair or with the piercing in my lip. People need to learn to accept the new stuff that is happening.

After 1 hour I had buy some few simply stuff to my family, Fanny had three bags that was full with stuff. She has a job, she was the favourite child of us two. Always socialise with people since the young age, high grades, a job, a boyfriend, own apartment and she is very polite.
I don't hate Fanny, she is my sister and she has also been nice to me since I was young. Would play with me when I felt lonely, would be there for me when all the other children, that was invited to my birthday parties, ignored me. Fanny wasn't bad and she has always accepted me. Just like Marzia have for the month.

I'm surprised we haven't met any of Fanny friends here since she usually knows everyone but maybe they aren't here.

I suddenly stopped since I saw something in corner of my eye. I turned to left and it was a camera store. It would be perfect for Marzia! Maybe they have one of those cameras that print out the picture right after you have take the photo.

"Felix?" Fanny said when I walked in to the store. "What are you looking for?"
"A camera that prints out the photos right after you have take a photo."
"Oh you mean... um, what is it called... oh right, Fujifilm! They are so popular!"
I nodded. I got right in front one of those Fujifilm that was pink and took the box to see what it stood about it.
Only 20 pictures? Seriously? And the price made me shocked, 71 Pounds!

I couldn't afford for that! This stupid little camera took only 20 pictures and it cost 71? Bullshit!
I put it back and sighed.
"They are really expensive," Fanny said and I nodded. "who was it for?"
Here comes the question. I guess I can't really keep it as a secret.

"A friend," I said simply and walked out of the store.
Fanny came next to me and I look at everything else except at my sister.
"What do your friend wish?"
That was shocking, I know Fanny and she would by now be asking who it was, how I knew them and everything else.
"She said she didn't know," I said.

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