Part 6

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I blinked while Marzia smiled at me. She would help me make it to the day I'm 28 years old and had said that we are friends.

"A journey?" I asked and she nodded. "What kind of journey?"
I took a sip from my coffee and raised my right eyebrow at her.
"I don't know," she said and looked down. "but everything that I and you can come up with will be our journey. And no we can't only be in your room and play video games. You have to be outside."

I gave groan and rolled my eyes. Seems like it would be a hell journey for me. But I can't be mad at Marzia since she is the only person I like and I don't wanna lose her.
But being outside and being social? Hell no.

"Do we have to?" I asked.
"Yes," Marzia said. "I'll help you find your happiness and reason why you should live longer than just 28."
I nodded, okay it seems like a good idea but mostly stupid.
I'm sure that before the college will end, Marzia will have found someone else to be around with or be with her friend Ella or whatever her name was.

"And you think Ella would allow you to be with me?" I asked.
Marzia gave me a question look before she made her mouth to a 'o'. "Oh you mean Elisa, well she doesn't know we hang out yet."
"Are you embarrassed to tell her that we hang out?"

Marzia shook her head and gave a small sigh. "No it's not that. Elisa is just a person that I can't tell all the stuff that happens in my life. She rarely listen to me."
"What a shitty friend."
She gave me a small glare before she gave a nod.
"She is," Marzia said like she was surprised. "but it feels like I can't leave her, or else I will be lonely."

She looked quick at me and started to shake her head, I knew already what she was thinking. Or else I will be lonely, she had said that like a bad or maybe a sad thing when she clearly knows that I'm lonely everyday.
"I-I'm sorry," said Marzia. "I shouldn't have said it."
"You aren't used to be lonely," I said with no emotinal. "you don't need to walk alone in the hallways or go alone out for a dinner. It would be really difficult for you to be lonely and not be able to follow around someone."

"Are you telling me I'm like a gum under a shoe?" Marzia snapped.
I stared at her. I have seen how Ella treats her, wait that wasn't her name... Oh well.

Marzia's friend is really bossy. I have seen how she tells Marzia to follow her or they sit by themselves and not letting other come to them but sometimes Ella is all around by her friends and it seems like Marzia is one of them but maybe I'm wrong.
What if Marzia is left out and her only friend is that bossy bitch? That's really sad then.

"I just think that Ella-"
"Elisa, god you're bad with names," Marzia giggled.
"Whatever, Elisa is bossy. She tries to be bossy with you."
Marzia shrugged and made small circles with her spoon.
"I know," said Marzia and gave me a smile. "but I have other friends. My best friend is in Italy and I have you now, right?"

I gave her a small smirk and nodded when I drank up the last in my coffee.
"So," I said to change the subject. "this journey, when will that one start?"
"Well whenever you want," said Marzia. "as I said, when you know something you want to do we shall do it."

I nodded. I can't come up with something to do. I'm most in my room and play games but now I'm not allowed to do that.
"Like," I started to say and Marzia looked up. "I have my old car on Campus, maybe we could go for a ride."
"To the country!" Marzia gasped happy. "I'll help you pay for the gas."

"Oh no you shouldn't-"
"You took the cheapest coffee," said Marzia. "I'm not saying you're poor but most college students aren't rich."
I stared at her before I nodded.
"I have a job down here in town. It made my life easier. But I can pay the gas."

I smiled and nodded.
"Can we go on Sunday?" asked Marzia.
"Oh yeah of course, whenever you can."
"Good, make sure to not make plans."
I smiled and she smiled too. Plans, yeah sure that have never happen to me before.

I Hope You Make It To 28 [melix]Where stories live. Discover now