Part 3

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After the days slowly passed it was finally Saturday, which means party for most of the college students but not for me. Today I could go and wash my clothes alone without any other student. Of course I had to pay a little since nothing at this school can be free but that is why I wait in 1-2 months before I wash all my used clothes.

I was still in my room and was picking up all the dirty clothes on the floor. Since everything was black it wouldn't be hard to wash all this together but of course, the washing machines in the basement aren't that big so I would need two washing machines but that would cost more for me.
I laid all my clothes in a big basket, my room looked much better now without all the clothes, maybe I should clean this place when I come back. If I have the energy for it of course.

I took the basket and locked my room before I went down to the basement. When I got down there stood a woman right outside the door and was checking her papers. She had short blonde hair and round glasses. I was taller than her and she looked up at me when I got closer, she had tan that was dark orange and she had wrinkles all over her face and bright pink lipstick on her lips.
"It's Kjellberg?" she asked.

I gave a nod, before you wash here you have to book a time and then someone who work on this school must meet us and see that we are coming and they will also be kind of guards so no one sneaks in here and wash their clothes for free. They have the key to the washing room so she will lock after I'm done.
"I'm surprised that you're almost the only one who wash their clothes on a weekend," she said with kind of dark voice. She has probably smoked too much when she was young.

'Almost the only one', great does that mean I don't get to be alone when I wash my clothes?
I passed the old lady and went in to the washing room. It was big here, maybe 10 washing machines and a big space in the middle so you can sit there, also there is another room in here there you can hang up your clothes.

I took the green washing machine, every machine here have different colour, sadly not black but green was sweet for a washing machine.
I threw all my black clothes in the machine, only half of my clothes came in, then I took some clean product before I closed it and pressed "start".
I sat me down on the bench and slowly came the water to my clothes before it started to spin around fast. It would be like that for 40 minutes, just spinning around.

I picked up my phone, this week haven't been the greatest, sure Tuesday was great since I kind of talked to Marzia but the rest of the week was just a mess. We have some test soon and homework and Marzia didn't talk to me on Philosophy class yesterday. That made the whole week kind of shitty. But I get it, she is on higher level than me, she has more friends and doesn't want to be with someone who smokes or is lonely or dress themselves like an emo.

I heard the door open and I turned my head around and there stood Marzia. I stood up. She had a bright blue shirt with black skirt and black tights under her skirt. She had, once again, her hair in a pony tail. She looked amazing as always.
Marzia stared at me with a confused look, shit, why had I stand up when she just walked in. Now it was an awkward silence here.

"Hi," said Marzia low and looked down while she went to the white washing machine.
"Hi," I said and felt it was warm around my cheeks while I sat down.
Marzia had pick the washing machine that was on my side, yes! But the only thing is that she probably have to stay here longer since all her clothes are in different colours. Blue, white, pink, brown, black and more light clothes in different colours.
I watched while she threw all the light colours in to the washing machine and then she took the pink washing machine and threw in all her black clothes, she had actually black clothes and it seemed to be a lot of them.

Marzia noticed that I was staring and was looking at me back, she had bright pink cheeks and her brown eyes avoided my eyes. Most people always describe eye colour with food or something else, like dark chocolate or something else but I have it hard to describe eye colour like that. I focus more on what eyes says. Marzia have a warm eye contact that is shy and doesn't want to stare for long but that second when I get eye contact with her almost everything stops. Her eyes is beautiful.

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