Part 4

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Finally, my clothes was dry and I can leave the washing room, except I don't want to. Marzia is here and I really don't wanna leave. It feels like if I leave, it will be the last time we talk to each other.

"Is it dirt on your shirt?"
I looked at Marzia then back at my shirt that I was holding, it wasn't dirty but I just stood there and was thinking and the shirt happened to be the object I looked at.

"Nope," I said and threw it in the basket. "I was thinking of... the party that most of the students will go to."
"Oh you mean that party that Ryan made?" asked Marzia.
"Yeah. That damn rich boy can do a lot of things."

"Are you going?"
"No, are you?" why did I even ask that? She will probably go there with her best friend and find a hot guy to dance with.
It made my heart beat slower, thinking of that Marzia will maybe end up with a guy that makes her truly happy. But I know I can't except that she will be mine, if she finds a boyfriend OR a girlfriend I will move on.

"I'm not a party person," my eyes quickly looked at her when she was hanging up her wet clothes.
"You won't go?" I asked chocked and she looked at me and nodded. "Sorry, it seems like you and your best friend are much for party."
"Elisa isn't my best friend and also, she is a party animal. I'm not."

I nodded, okay so her friend isn't her best friend, good to know.
"What happens then tonight for you?" I asked.
"I don't know," she sighed a little. "maybe I will read or be on the internet."
"If you want to do something," I said and picked up my basket that was full with clothes. "come to building C and room 437, of course you decide if you wanna come or not."
She only nodded, okay she won't probably come then if she only nodded.

"See ya later," I said and turned around.
"See ya," I heard Marzia say and I left the room.
I pretty made it cool right? Maybe I played a cool end just leaving my room number and then left. It made me look kind of thought right? Beside, she decide if she wanna come over, not like in the movies there the boy comes over and it's stupid romance.

I came up to my room and locked up my door and I could hear in the room across my room was gaging and laughing loud. Drunk people, when I'm drunk I usually get more happy too but I'm not shouting and laughing. I was more giggling and found the happiness.

I entered my room and threw all my clothes in to my wardrobe and then I started to look after my blue hair dyer that I bought two months ago. I looked in the drawers and found it.
I turned around and looked at my messy room, it didn't really bother me so it doesn't need to be clean today.

I went in to the bathroom that was in the corridor and entered. I really fucking hope no one else gets in here while I'm here. The guys are kind of nice, but they usually annoying, talking about sports or something else. Things that made me bored.
I went in to the shower and decided I could take a shower while I dye it.

I washed my body, made the water stop, put in the dye in my hair and stood there with my phone (that I took up from my jeans which laid on the dirty floor) for 15 minutes before I continued to wash my hair.

I was pretty lonely. I know I avoid that thought with video games but really I'm a guy that have no friends that I can send messages to, no friends that I hang out with, have memories with or talk about everything and nothing. But that isn't what guys talk about right? Or how should I know, the only guys I know are the characters in the games.

I stepped out of the shower, glad that no one hade come in and saw my new blue hair. Sure I will show it in the school on monday but if they saw it now they would be like the fuck? So no thanks.
I looked in the mirror and smiled at myself, who even want to hang out with a blue haired outcast? It's better this way anyway, I enjoy to be with myself.

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