Part 9

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Only few weeks have gone and soon it's spring. The sun will come back and make everything warm and lighter. Spring also means love will come. Not only for humans but for all the other animals as well.

But I don't believe I will get love this spring. If Marzia sees me as a friend then I can keep in that way.
Only thing that is bothering me is Marzia's two classmates. Surprisingly not Jessica, it seems she have cool down a little, for now. No I don't talk about Elisa, I can her name now, that I'm sure is a fake friend to Marzia.

No I talk about Dan and Phil.

Two morons that I always see in the corridor and it seems like they have start to be with Marzia more and more. Marzia told me they are good photographers and they are best friends but she wasn't good 'friend' with them.

I have seen them everywhere now, them all three together. Marzia have now lately told me that I should go to her if I see her even if she is with her friends.
I'm not going to her if they are with her. They all three usually laugh together and have smiles on their faces.

They have funnier together than me and Marzia would ever have together. And I can't help it but I have started to smoke more now since I see them all together.
I believe I'm jealous. But I won't admit to anyone if someone ask. Or why should they ask me?

I'm an emo kid that no want to be with and they all ignore me.
I understand if Marzia want to leave me too. She have it a lot of fun with Dan and Phil. I see how Marzia is talking a lot to Phil.

If she likes Phil then okay. Okay. I won't say anything or make a comment about it but I don't want to be his friend. I don't wanna be his best-man on their wedding.

I take up a new cigarette and breaths in. This isn't helping me at all.
If Marzia want to leave then she should! She should never have even started talking to me! She should never continued talking to me! Marzia should never have been my friend!

It kind of burned behind my eyes and I rubbed them. I hate these thoughts. I don't want them and I actually don't want Marzia to leave me. All I want is to be with her forever.

I sighed and dropped the cigarette to the ground. I took up my whole cigarette packet and looked down at it. I maybe can be a better person for Marzia. Quick smoking, she doesn't like people smoke right? She have complain about it a lot.

I put the packet down in my pocket. Why throw them away now if I even don't know if Marzia will stay with me?

• • •

Saturday Night 7.03pm

I just stared at the empty frame Marzia had get me. We haven't really talked very good now these last day in school. I guess she is with Dan and Phil and have more fun with them than me.

I turned around and looked at all my games. I'm not even in the mood to play games. Which never happens. I'm always in the mood to play games but not now.
I laid down in the bed but soon as I did, the phone said pling and I picked it up.

New Message from Marzia
Hi! :) Dan and Phil invited me to a party which start about 8.30pm and I thought 'why not ask Felix if he wanna come?' So do you wanna come with me? I don't know very well anyone there.

I thought about it. I can follow her to show Dan and Phil that I'm a better friend than they are. Or I'll be left out on the party if she decide only to hang out with them.
Maybe there is beer there.

Sure! I'll be ready in 30 minutes, I'll get over to you then!

When I was done and had choose some kind of acceptable clothes, that was black, I took my cap that Marzia had give me and I walked over to Marzias room.
I knocked on the door and she smiled big to me when she saw me.

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