Part 10

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After Dan had throw up in the sink and didn't bother to clean up we went our way to find Phil and Marzia.

Dan didn't say much to me which didn't bother me. I just wanted to be with Marzia and I hope Phil keeps his hands off her.
We found them in the living room with plenty of other people. They stood along with the wall and stared at the people who was drunk.

"Fun to look at drunk people?" I asked when I stood next to Marzia.
"Not really," she said but smiled at me. "but we have seen one fight already. Was a silly fight who should have the bowl full with candy."

I nodded and I noticed that Dan had walked over next to Phil and they giggled over something.
"I have seen Jessica though," Marzia sighed.
"Jessica? Who invited her?" I asked a little bit loud so Phil could hear.
Since this is his cousins house Phil must be the one who invited people over here. And he should damn know that Marzia dislikes Jessica and that I hate Jessica.

I saw Phil look at us two and made a confused look.
"I think one of her friends took her here since Jessica loves parties," Marzia said also with a confused look why I had said that loud.
"Oh well fuck that friend," I said and took a sip from my beer.

"I think I need to eat something that doesn't make my stomach throw up," Dan said and started to make his way to the kitchen.
"I can go with him and see if he is okay," said Marzia and left me with Phil.

Great, not only did I need to be with Dan but now I need to be with Phil who is probably going tell me how beautiful Marzia is and how he would love to kiss her tonight.
"What do you think about the party so far?" Phil asked and took a step closer to me.
He was tall and it wouldn't surprise me if many girls liked him. Not only because of his height but also for his cute face.

"I'm not the kind of party guy," I said and took the last sip from my bottle.
"I'm neither a party guy," Phil said and looked over the room with drunk people who laughed at each other. "I made this party since I wanted to have all my friends here. It was suppose to be only 15 friends or less but now it feels like the whole school is here."

"The rumour must have walked around quick," I said.
"I guess so. I'm glad you came by the way, Marzia have tell a lot about you I would like to get to know you."
Everyone seems so excited to know me now after I started to spend time with Marzia.

I guess it's because I started to be social and Marzia have dragged me around to do stuff with her. Our small trips around the city was always fun to do but then Phil started to be more with Marzia and it seemed like everything stopped there.
"Yeah she have tell me about you guys too," I said and nodded.

It went quiet between me and Phil. What the hell are we suppose to say to each other? Both of us know Marzia and I thought Phil would only talk about her by now but he didn't.

"Hey," said Phil and I looked at him. "I know this will sound weird and maybe... Maybe I'm wrong. But do you avoid us in school?"
Yes, yes I really do. I don't want to know you or Dan but now I have to for Marzia.
I stared at Phil and didn't say anything and he didn't smile at me.

"I-is it something we have done or?" Phil continued.
I guess I need to answer or he will tell Marzia and she will be disappointed at me.
"Man," I said rolled my eyes since I usually don't talk about my feels. "I don't want to go to you since you guys have fun more without me."

It came out in a meaner way, sure it doesn't look like it if you read it but I said it with annoying voice like I hated that they had fun.

"Oh," Phil said and I looked at the crowd. "well we would like if you came to us sometimes. I'm sure that Marzia would really appreciate it if you did."
"Phil you may be a good guy but look," I said. "I'm negative and you guys are positive. Negative and positive doesn't match. I also don't want to be with you guys."

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