Part 11

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May came pretty fast. I'm still mad at Jessica. I haven't show any respect to her, in corridors she would walk in to me but I treated her like air. Jessica wanted my attention, want me to know that she still hates me.

But since I treat her like air she gets more annoyed and shout words that I don't respond to.

I haven't talked to Marzia either. Not on messages, in classes or ever. It feels like it is my fault since I called her out but I didn't do anything wrong.

I protected the girl. I had to do something.
I know Marzia isn't ugly but I'm still disappointed she didn't act. She was scared from Jessica from the beginning. She was scared if she acted, Jessica would be meaner to her and put up her on the internet.

People who cares the most, doesn't act all the time. They care about other people but they don't know what to do, don't know if they will make it worser or if they will get a shit life.

Marzia cares. Marzia cares about me. If she didn't care she wouldn't have said she would help me, take me on our small trips. She wouldn't have started talking to me.

But now I don't know what is going threw Marzia's mind. Does she hate me? Hate me because I told the truth? Or that I left her at the party?
Why doesn't she want to talk to me?

I could easily start to talk to her but it would make more sense if Marzia texted:
Hi, sorry how I was at the party. You were totally right about everything you said, wanna meet up? :)
But now she doesn't. What made her hate me?

Am I just that bad? Can't I keep one friend? Just one?

Apparently I can't. I just sucks that much. I have come back to my games, the only thing that can't run from me. I'm sure if games had legs they would have left me.
It have got worser to with school. I have start to skip some few classes. Philosophy is one of them. I was there at lesson after the party was but Marzia didn't look at me a single once.

My sleep schedule is also worser. I play to 3-4am and usually comes late to the class. The only lesson I don't miss is the English. The reason why I got here to this damn college. Not for stupid philosophy, german, society and history. I came only here to study about being an author.

Now I sit in the corridor with my Starbuck coffee in my hand. I'm currently skipping german, I don't want to see Jessica's ugly face. And it's annoying if she is only going to stare at me.

I drank from my plastic mug and made a sigh after I had swallowed the black coffee. I heard footsteps in the corridor and I looked on my left. Some students that have other lessons doesn't have the same time as my classes but now in the morning everyone should be in their classroom.

I looked down on my phone. Didn't bother to look up again at the girl. She was probably late for a class and would just pass my way. But she didn't. She stood next to me. I looked up and she stared at me for a while. She had short afro hair and really sharp green eyes that looked insecure and her skin tone was a brown.

Herself looked insecure, she was tall and wore blue tight jeans and a big black t-shirt.
"A-are you Felix?" the girl asked.
I was surprised, really surprised. I have never met this girl and she knows my name.

"It is," I said and drank from my mug. "something you want?"
Probably a smoker. Ryan have probably said that I have cigarettes or a lighter.
"I wonder if I can sit here next to you," she said.
I didn't even get to answer before she sat down next to me. Who the hell is this girl? And why is she here with me?

"I think you wanted something else than just sit here next to me," I said and looked up and down on her how she dressed.
She was pretty.

"You're right," she said and smiled down at her feet. "I wanted to say thank you."
I stared at her. For a long moment, but it was probably just five seconds before I realised. She was the drunk girl from the party that passed out and Jessica took pictures of her. But she had flat hair, that's why I didn't recognise her.

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