Part 5

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The days went on and we only said hi to each other on the philosophy classes. I haven't dare to text her, maybe I need to get drunk to be able to text her.
This would be easier if Marzia texted me first. Then I wouldn't feel this pressure on me. It felt great when I was drunk when I got her number but then after she left it slowly disappeared. She was a little bit drunk when she gave her number. Maybe she just felt sad for me or felt a pressure on herself since I told her I'm lonely.

I sat on the English class and tried to read the book but I couldn't focus, the book was boring and I couldn't stop thinking about how I should text Marzia. I shouldn't think so much, just give a simple "hi" and then see what happens. But what if she sees me annoying?

"Kjellberg," said Mr. Smith and I looked up. "you can daydream when this lesson have end, now please focus on the book since you will talk about it next week."
I had looked out of the window this whole time and I gave a nod to Mr. Smith before I looked down.

• • •

"What?" said Michelle.
Michelle was one of the few who smoked and was best friend with Ryan.

"I said I don't give out cigarettes," I sighed and killed my cigarette.
"I would give you one if you asked," said Michelle.
"That is what you do," I said and jumped off the cold fence I had sat on. "I don't do it. Why don't you ask your rich BFF?"

Michelle held her arm crossed over her chest while her purple hair covered one of her eyes. She could be called emo but she isn't that emo actually. Michelle is colourful with her hair and wear light makeup and wear always black jeans and a simple t-shirt.
I have heard people call her emo but she isn't a sad person or dress herself in all black or "cut" herself as everyone believe in what an emo does.

"Ryan won't give me any goddamn cigarettes since I owe him money," she muttered.
"That was something new," I said and looked down and wasn't that interested  why Michelle owned him money.
"I have, apparently, asked to many times for a cigarette from him."

"And yes he is goddamn rich but he so fucking ego when it comes to money! He can spend his dads money on big parties but can't give me some beer or cigarette."
"Well I would also be mad if I had a friend that would only take things from me without paying back."

Michelle glared at me, probably thinking what friend? You don't have any friend but won't say it out loud, instead she sighed.
"So what is your suggest?" she asked.
"Pay him back, doesn't need to be money but say that you can pay for the pizza or buy him something."
She only gave a nod. I pulled up my phone and looked at the clock, 4:56pm. The lessons had ended since long time ago and I have decided that I would text Marzia when I'm in my room.

"You know," said Michelle and I looked up at her. "you're a cool guy even if you're one big ego."
I nodded. How would I know how I am when I don't have any friends and only talk with those who smoke?
"Thanks Michelle."
And I turned around to the door and walked in.

When I came up to my room I looked outside the window and saw small snowflakes fall down, soon it's winter and that means christmas will come and I have to buy presents to my family. It's also worser that I don't have any goddamn money.

I pulled up my phone and I got really nervous, one simple text to Marzia thats all! But my stomach start to hurt a little just thinking of what she would say to me, if she even texted back.

"Hi, what's up?"
I pressed send and sat me quickly to my video games and started to play. I chose a game that I need all my attention to it. Blood Bone, which I get mad easily on and swears loudly at. I don't know how long it went before I heard pling sound and I glared at my phone and picked up.
"New Message from Marzia"

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