Chapter 1

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Imagine. "Y/N? You ready?" your best friend Ashley shouted from the door. "Almost" you answer as you put mascara on. "Come on! I wanna have good places!" she said as she jumped. She seemed excited but also kind of nervous. "Ash, it's an outdoor festival. We will have good places! Plus, people have been there all day. There will literally be no one tonight" you answer. She sighed, but seemed to calm down. "Did I mention that Hozier will be there?" she asked. "Yeah. Probably 80 times already" you chuckle. "He's so talented! I just can't wait to see him perform" she rambled. Ever since she came back home with tickets for that festival, she hadn't stopped talking about that guy. She has been a huge fan for a long time, and of course, you had to support this 24/7. Mostly because she was your roommate and best friend, but also because you didn't have any other choice. You put back your make up on your wallet and walk to the living room of your small appartement. "Ok, we can go!" you say. You took your backpack and followed Ashley outside.

This will be a good night. At least that's what she told you to make you come with her. Not that you don't like music but you don't go out a lot. Because most of the time, going out meant seeing people and socialize with them, which most of the time leads to depressing or very awkward conversations in your case. But anyway, tonight was an exception. You and Ashley arrived to the festival to see a Starbucks truck, and of course, you had to order something. You took your usual order: a vanilla frappucino and Ashley took a mango one.

By far you could see the stage and not a lot of people were here. You pay for both of you, even if Ashley were complaining. She paid the tickets, you pay the Starbucks. That's it. You and her walk to the stage and an unknown band were there. They were good. You try to find a spot closer to the stage and you eventually succeed. You were just dancing around a little with your friend, your untouched drink in your hand. And of course, what must happen happened. Some guy who were dancing hit on you and your drink went all over your shirt. An iced cold drink and cream over your favorite shirt. You gasp at the sudden cold running over your chest.

The guy immediatly turned around to apologize but froze when he saw you. 'What? Do I have something on my face?' you ask yourself as you look at him. What you could assume was his friend was laughing behind him, probably mocking him for embarassing himself and you at the same time. "What the hell?" you shouted over the loud music. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! Oh my god" the mysterious guy said when he stopped staring at your face. He took out tissues from his pocket and started to take off the iced drink from your chest. His gesture was so innapropriate and kinda cocky. "What do you think you're doing?" you say, now completely annoyed. So what he thought he could ruin your drink, your shirt and also touch your boobs like that? He pulled back and put his hands up. "Goddamnit I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to touch you like that. I mean I just wanted to help you and-" he rambled. Gosh, that reminded you why you used to stay home with popcorn and stupid tv shows. "Give it up" you say. "I'm sorry, maybe I could redeem you the drink? I could go take one for you or-" "I'm sorry what's your name?" you cut him off. "Darren. I'm Darren" he says. "Ok Darren. First, you gotta stop rambling because it makes you look like an idiot, and I don't think you need that after what you just did, you know. Secondly, no, I don't want you to redeem my $5 drink. Just thank you so much because my friend over here paid tickets for a show that I'm barely gonna see because I have to get changed now. So thanks! It was nice meeting you, Darren" you say sacarstically. You left him astonished and told Ashley you were going back to your appartement to change. "I'm going with you" she said as she took you by the arm. "No way! You're gonna miss Hozier. I won't allow it. Just stay here, I'm coming back ok?" you explain. She nods and kissed your cheek before she goes back to her spot. You felt observed and turned your head to see Darren staring at you again. You sigh and roll your eyes. Urgh. Some people are so annoying.

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