Chapter One

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Rosalind's outfits are above the outfit on the right is what she wears to the party.

The Birthday

"Honey I'm home" Rosalind says walking into the boarding house

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"Honey I'm home" Rosalind says walking into the boarding house.

She walks further into the house to see her brother Damon pouring bourbon into a glass.

"Do you mind pouring me a glass" she laughs walking towards him.

The raven haired vampire looks at his sister and chuckles. "Sure thing little sis"

"Okay, so why did you call me" The vampire takes a sip of her bourbon.

"Have you heard of the name klaus" Rosalind nods.

"Well, it's of a long story" the raven haired vampire says scratching the back of his head.


"So your telling me that you got bite by a werewolf so Stefan had to go to the original hybrid dick for the cure. So now klaus took Stefan with him to make hybrids.... you two are so stupid" she says sighing.


"Idiots, idiots I tell you" Rosalind stands up

"Hey!" Damon says defensively

"You guys are idiots you to are letting this happen again. This doppelgänger is going to be just like Katherine, she ruined our lives Damon. She made use turn against each other Stefan told father about Katherine and I because he was jealous."

"Elena is nothing like Katherine" Damon denies.

"Okay whatever, Day"

"Damon we're here to set up for Elena's party" a perky voice is heard.

"I'm going to get my stuff from my car, I'll be back" Rosalind grumbles the vampire walks past both Caroline and Tyler.

She was about to open the door until it was opened by Elena. Rosalind looks over the doppelgänger and pushes past her. Slamming the door on the way outside.

"Who the hell was that" the blonde vampire asks putting a box down.

The raven haired vampire closes his eyes and rubes his temples. 

"That was my sister"

"She's your sister!" Caroline gasped

"Yup my little sister and Stefan's older sister" the raven haired vampire said.

"Stefan never talks about her, I've only seen a couple pictures of Rosalind and the few stories you've told about her. " Elena piped in

"Stefan and Ros aren't really that close." Damon says sighing. "They used to be when we were human"

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