Chapter Two

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Rosalind's outfit for this chapter is above

The Hybrid

"I'm now finding out I really hate hiking" was the first thing to come out of Rosalind's mouth after looking for Stefan for about an hour

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"I'm now finding out I really hate hiking" was the first thing to come out of Rosalind's mouth after looking for Stefan for about an hour.

"Oh stop complaining" Elena said laughing.

Elena, Alaric, and Ros were walking by a river.

"In a couple hours, the full moon is gonna rise just above that ridge. If Tyler's right, that's where the pack will be" Alaric told the girls. They soon stopped walking and Alaric opened his bag and pulled out weapons and grenades.

"Wow, you came stocked" Elena let out a big breath.

"Well, we aren't exactly bird watching" Rosalind said smirking. Alaric then handed Elena a grenade "put that in your bag."

"vervain grenade?" Elena questioned

"wolfsbane" Rosalind corrected.

"well, since we're exchanging gifts..." Elena pulled out John Gilbert's ring.

"That's John Gilbert's ring" Alaric shook his head in disagreement.

"It was yours once. Go ahead. Take it. It'll protect you from whatever supernatural danger we're about to get ourselves into." Elena tried to persuade Alaric.

"He gave it to you"

Elena tried some more "I'm a doppelganger. It's not gonna work on me. He left it for if I ever had kids" Alaric still disagreed and Ros was getting tired of the arguing.

"Okay, how about you borrow it until after we survive this?" Rosalind cut in, Alaric stood there for a few minutes looking between the two girls, then finally took the ring. All of a sudden Elena was pushed into the river Rosalind and Alaric turned around in attack mode after they heard Elena yell to see Damon leaning against a tree.

"Damon!" Elena exclaimed.

"How are you even here?" Ros questioned her brother.

"Thanks for the tip, brother" Damon smirked at Alaric.

"You sold us out!" Elena exclaimed.

"You'd think i'd take you to a mountain range of werewolves on a full moon without backup?" Alaric asked rhetorically.

"Get out of the water, Elena" Damon commanded.

"No, if I get out of the water, you're gonna make me go home."

"Yes, because i'm not an idiot like you" Damon countered.

"Right now you're both acting like idiots" Rosalind angrily says.

"You gave up on him, Damon." Elena sighs

"I didn't give up on him, Elena, I faced reality" He retorted.

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