Chapter Twenty-Five

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A/N: Rosalind's outfit for this chapter is above.

After School Special

Rosalind rolled her eyes as her phone rang for the 100th time in the past couple days, she needed a break from Mystic Falls so she decide to take a trip to France with Kol

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Rosalind rolled her eyes as her phone rang for the 100th time in the past couple days, she needed a break from Mystic Falls so she decide to take a trip to France with Kol.

"Who is it this time? Stefan, Damon, or Caroline?"

"Caroline, what do you want?"

Kol nodded and went back to feeding on a girl after he got his answer.

"Where are you? We've been calling none stop, you've missed so much."

"I needed a break, what could I have possibly missed that was so important."

"Elena's sired to you." Stefan's voice was heard through the phone, Kol dropped the girl's body as a response to what was just said.

Both Rosalind and Kol spoke at the same time "what?" 

"Everything you say, she agrees with. Everything you ask her to do... she does."

"I really want to disagree, but that actually makes a lot of sense."

"She also broke up with Stefan and is now dating Damon. We think it's because you like Damon and you hate Stefan."

"Okay, wait a minute. I don't hate you Stefan..." Kol cleared his throat, and when Rosalind glanced at him, he gave her a knowing look. "Okay, I do kind of hate you."

"We need you back, plus I really miss your sarcastic commentary."

"I miss you too Caroline, but no I've been caching up with a friend."


Kol took the phone out of Rosalind's hand "Goodbye, Caroline." Kol immediately hung up the before Caroline could reply.

"Are you still hungry? Because I am."

"I'm always up for a bite." Kol chuckles leaving the dark alleyway Rosalind walking right behind.


Rosalind and Kol were sitting on a restaurant patio when Roz got another phone call, but from someone she actually wanted to talk to.

"Bekah? You're awake?"

"Yes, love. I am, where are you?"

"I'm with Kol."

"Brilliant! Can you do me a little favor?"


Kol and Rosalind walk into the school's library seeing Elena, Stefan, and Caroline sitting around a table while Rebekah asked them questions.

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