Chapter Fifteen

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Rosalind's outfit for this chapter is above.

All My Children

Rebekah and Rosalind are walking towards the entrance

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Rebekah and Rosalind are walking towards the entrance.

"So, what am I to you?"

Rosalind smiles "girlfriend?"

"Girlfriend... I like the sound of that"

Rosalind kisses Rebekah, the blonde original sighs contently. Ros opens the door. Elena is standing outside and she is shocked. Rebekah smiles and walks outside.

"I'll see you later, Ros."

"Bye, Bekah."

"Did you stop taking your vervain?"

"You think Rebekah had to compel me?"

"What's wrong with you? She tried to kill me less than forty eight hours ago."

"Can we just move pass that, Elena?"

"So is that how it's going to be now? I hurt your feelings and this is how you lash out at me?"

Rosalind pours herself a drink. "Awe, Elena. You didn't hurt my feelings. I just think you're a bitch. Maybe, for once, something I did had nothing to do with you." She holds up her glass then drinks it. Damon walks into the room and looks at Rosalind.

"Next time you have sex don't do it while I'm home. I could have lived my life not hearing my little sister-" Damon made a disgusted face "doing that."

Rosalind gave him a salute in response.

"You should know that Esther is planning on killing her entire family. She's linked them all together with a spell. Whatever happens to one, happens to all of them."


"Well, that's great! Klaus will finally be dead. We win." Damon looks at Elena "Why do you look like someone just shot a panda bear?"

"Uh, because to kill Klaus she has to kill all of them, including Elijah. And he doesn't deserve this!"

Just then Elena and Damon heard the door slam. Rosalind leaving to inform Rebekah and Elijah of her findings.

She walks into the Mikaelson mansion to hear Rebekah speaking.

"That's not true. And as for mother, she returned for one reason, to make our family whole. She loves us. What trouble are you looking to find?"

Rosalind walked into the living room "we have a problem. " 


Elena was walking around in the underground tunnels, trying to find a way out. She thinks she sees a way when Rebekah and Rosalind appears, blocking her escape.

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