Chapter Seven

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Rosalind's outfit for this chapter is above

Ghost World

Caroline and Rosalind were helping Bonnie hang lanterns from the trees

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Caroline and Rosalind were helping Bonnie hang lanterns from the trees.

"So when you did the spell to send Vicki away, did that get rid of Anna, too?" Caroline was holding on to the ladder looking up at Bonnie.

"I wish. All I did was block the magic that was helping Vicki get a physical foothold here. Jeremy's still got a direct line to the other side, and as long as he wants to see Anna and she wants to see him, she's still here."

"Okay, you don't think I can actually resist commenting on that." Rosalind stated as Bonnie stepped off the ladder.

"There. You commented."

"Bonnie..." Their blonde friend sighed.

"What do you want me to say, Caroline? I went against the balance of nature when I brought Jeremy back to life, and now I'm paying the consequences."

"Well, I want you to say you're not okay with it."

"I'm a thousand times not okay with it. I just don't know what to do about it." Bonnie picked up some balloons.

Damon pulls up near them in his car. The three girls walk up to him.

"Greetings, blondie. Ros. Witchy. I think you got your voodoo wires all crossed when you got rid of Vicki Donovan."

"What do you mean, why?"

"Because I'm pretty sure I just got spit-roasted by Mason Lockwood's ghost."

"What?" Rosalind stares at her brother in confusion. "Why would you think that?"

"Maybe because he chained me to a chair and shoved a hot poker in my chest. Let's just say I'm having déjà vu."

Caroline and Rosalind look at Bonnie.

"I thought you said that ghosts couldn't physically interact with people."

"They can't."

"Yeah, well, I don't have time for a vengeful Lockwood. When I kill someone, they're supposed to stay dead. Whatever you screwed up, fix it."

He drives away fast with his tires squealing. Matt is on the other side of the road, looking at them.


Matt was talking with Caroline, Bonnie, and Rosalind.

"I haven't seen Vicki, I swear. I sent her back like you told me to."

"Are you sure? Because she has just as much reason to haunt my brother as Mason Lockwood does."

"She's gone. If she was here, I'd know it."

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