Chapter Three

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Rosalind's outfit's are above the one on the right is her dress in the flashbacks

The End of the Affair

Damon:   What do you mean Klaus is taking you?

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   What do you mean Klaus is taking you?

   I mean he's making me come with Stefan and him but it's fine because I can keep an eye on Stefan and tell you where we are.

Ros sighs and puts her phone in her back pocket.

"Welcome back to Chicago, Stefan, Rosalind" Klaus said parking the car.

"What are we doing here?" Rosalind asks getting out of the car.

"I know how much you both loved it here" the hybrid answered.

"Bringing back good memories of the ripper days" Klaus said looking at Stefan.

"Blocked out most of them, lot of blood a lot of partying, the details are all a blur."

"The details for me were pretty much a blur as well, it was when my humanity was off although I was the same person as I am now I just happen to be more reckless when i'm humanity free."

"Well, that is a crying shame the details are what makes it legend" Klaus stated.

"The word was the ripper of Monterrey got lonely, so he escaped to the city for comfort. It was prohibition everything was off limits then, which made everything so much more fun."

In a car Rosalind was in a car with two women she was feeding off of one of the women, when she was dead she started making out with the second women Rosalind then moved her lips to the brunette's neck biting into her. When the brunette was dead Rosalind left the car. She walked into a club full of people drinking and dancing. Rosalind walked down the stairs toward the champagne tower. Ros heard Gloria talking on the stage, her eyes moved to who Gloria
was looking at. Rosalind rolled her eyes and sighed disappointedly.

"Guess who my eyes have just spied, ladies? Looking for a good time, Mr. Salvatore?"

"Save me a dance, Gloria" Stefan said walking down the stairs.

Rosalind took a glass from a tray a waiter was holding only for it to be taken by a beautiful blonde.

"Please, help yourself."

"Oh, I always do. Hmm. Carful, Miss Salvatore." The women kisses the corner of her mouth

"You're still wearing your date. She's lovely." The blonde was just about to walk away until Rosalind stopped her.

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