Chapter Twenty-Eight

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A/N: Rosalind's outfit is the same as lasts chapter.

Into the Wild

Rosalind laid on the floor while Klaus stood in the middle of the living room

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Rosalind laid on the floor while Klaus stood in the middle of the living room.

"Why are you still here?"

"I'm not just going to leave you alone, Nik."

"I would be fine, you really don't need to stay."

"I'm staying. That's final so... blah."


"Yes. I say blah to you sir... blah."

Klaus chuckles, prepared to say something else but was interrupted by Tyler walking into the house.

"Morning, sunshine. You look pathetic."

Rosalind scoffs sitting up "only until Bonnie's spell locking him in here wears off."

"Then I'll look different. Angrier, perhaps. Or I won't look like anything because I'll have gouged your eyeballs from their sockets."

"My friends will be back with the cure by then. So, I could shove it down your throat and make you mortal."

"I'm an Original. What makes you think my entire vampire bloodline won't be cured along with me? I.e., you."

"You know what I think? I think that's impossible. I think the moment you stop being a vampire, our whole blood connection to you is broken, and your sire-line ceases to exist. So, whatever happens to you, happens only to you. Which means I can kill your ass and no one else has to die. although I am still debating just how to do it." Klaus vamps towards Tyler, but can't due to the barrier.

"I recommend drowning. There's nothing quite like the feeling of someone fighting for something as basic as human breath. And let me tell you, your mother was a fighter." Tyler glares at Klaus, who looks pleased with his taunting.

Rosalind was now reading a book when Caroline enters through the back door.

"You're still here? What are you doing?"

"Gloating." Tyler pours himself a drink.

Caroline then looks over at Rosalind "and you?" Rosalind looks up from her book and smiles "for the wonderful company."

Klaus emerges from the living room and walks as far as he can within the confines of the spell.

"Hello, Caroline."

She glares at him for a moment before looking back at Tyler. "Come home. Don't stoop to his level."

"He destroyed my life. I plan on being present for every second of his misery until I can kill him myself."

"Fine. You can gloat and multi-task. This place is a disaster."

"Tyler's mother is dead. So is my brother. We're even. Call Bonnie, get her to let me out of here."

"I will never, ever, help you."

"How quickly you forgot the part where I saves Tyler from the misery of being a werewolf. Or the night your mother invited me into her home to save the life of her precious daughter."

"How delusional are you? You killed his mother. And let's not forget that we're standing in the house where Elena's aunt Jenna used to live. Or did you think that your charm would make us forget how you killed her, too? You know what? No. I am not going to engage in this. You are not even worth the calories I burn talking to you." Klaus vamp-speeds to pick up a nearby floor lamp, which he uses to impale Caroline.


Klaus swings Caroline over to his side of the magical barrier and bites her neck, she falls to the floor.

"Now, that was definitely worth the calories."

"Seriously. How many times do I have to make it clear to you, Nik. She is the only one I like, I don't appreciate Caroline coming into harms way."

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" She Caroline continues to repeat this as Tyler settles her down on a sofa and Rosalind holds her hand.

"Hey, hey. Look at me. Look at me. I can fix this."

"How? The only thing that can heal me is his blood! Oh my god..."

"I know. I'll fix it."

Caroline nods at him, Tyler stands to face Klaus. "She'll die if you don't heal her."

"Okay." He bites his wrist and extends his arms, palms up. "Beg me to save her life."

"Is this what you want? To remind me that I'm powerless against you? Fine. You win. I'm nothing, Now save her. Please."

"I'm sorry, mate. I didn't quite catch that."



"Please save her life."

"See, now I think you're just telling me what I want to hear. I mean, you did call me pathetic earlier. And wouldn't it be more pathetic of me to help now, knowing that hours ago, you announced your plan to kill me in a manner in which you're debating because you want it to have a certain amount of flair. I'm just asking."

"I'll ne your slave again. I'll do whatever you want. Just help her."


"Get me out of here. I can't even look at him." Tyler helps her up, Klaus watches them leave. Rosalind looks at Klaus, not to happy with him.

A little while later Tyler carries Caroline into the living room and lays her down on the floor, Klaus turns around.

"You want to be in control, Klaus? Here. Now you get to be in control of her life. If you want her to die, fine. But then you can sit here and watch her die yourself." Tyler leaves the house, Caroline looks up at Klaus, who approaches her.

"Nothing personal, love. If I cure you, that means victory for him. Don't worry. It won't be long now." Caroline, breathing heavily, closes her eyes. Rosalind glares at Klaus as she lays Caroline on a sofa.

Caroline begins breathing raspingly. "If you don't feed me your blood, I'll die."

Klaus spoke, not looking at her "then you'll die, and Tyler will have learned his lesson the hard way."

"How could you do this to him? To his mom? To me?"

"I'm a thousand years old. Call it boredom."

"I don't believe you."

"Fine. Then maybe it's because I'm pure evil, and I can't help myself."

"It's because you were hurt. Which means that there is a part of you that is human." Klaus approaches her and sits on the table next to the sofa.

"How could you possibly think that?"

"Because I've seen it. Because... I've caught myself wishing that I could forget all the horrible things that you've done."

"But you can't, can you?"

"I know that you're in love with me. And anybody capable of love is capable of being saved." Klaus's eyes start glistening, and appears to have been moved by Caroline's words. He looks away."

"You're hallucinating."

"I guess I'll never know." her breathing catches.

"Caroline?" Her breathing is labored then weak and fading. For a moment longer Klaus looks torn, but finally he lifts Caroline into a sitting position, sits behind her, bites open his wrist and puts it to her mouth and she starts drinking. Klaus smooths her hair as she regains strength and continues to drink.

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