Chapter 1: Back to School!

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Sam's POV

I left my house and entered the school bus, I looked around for my best friend Taurtis. I saw him in the way back, so I walked over there as the bus started going off again. "Hey Taurtis!" I said as I sat next to my best friend, who was my friend since kindergarten. "Sup Sam." He said as he got his comb out and styled his hair.

"Are you 'changing' yourself again like last year?" I asked as he nodded and put the comb away in his lunchbox, wait what? That makes no sense... "But this year I'll stick through it and I'll be much cooler than you." He said with a laugh. I laughed along and we finally made it to school. "Ok so what's your schedule?" I asked Taurtis. He got out a piece of paper from his shirt pocket and handed it to me.

Period 1&2- Pre-Alegbra
Period 3- Phys. Ed
Period 4- History
Period 5- Science
Period 6- Garden
Period 7&8- English

I began laughing when I saw Garden on there. "You have garden?!" I said. He nodded and we walked into the school. "Let me see yours." He said as out a piece of paper.

Period 1&2- Pre-Algebra
Period 3- Phys. Ed
Period 4- Science
Period 5- History
Period 6- Band
Period 7&8- English.

"Cool we have 5 periods together." I said he handed me back my paper and I handed him back his. "Yeah, now to go greet the ladies." He said with a confident smirk. I watched him go over to three girls. A girl with pink hair and really pretty pink eyes. A girl with a beard, blonde hair and bangs. Then the last one was green with red hair and black eyes. "Hello ladies," Taurtis said. "How would you like some of my sandwich later?"

He took out his lunchbox and took out his sandwich, which was a turkey sandwich. Then he took out his comb and started combing his hair. "Sure!" The one with Pink hair said. "No thanks I have my own." The bearded girl answered. I looked at the green girl, she looked unusual but I have a small feeling in my chest though... I never felt this feeling before- what could it be? "Ok..." She said shyly. Well she's shy I know that now.

"Alright, ladies, I'll meet you up at the library." He said while winking at them. He walked over to me with a bright smile and he chuckled. "See Sam it's not that hard, go try it yourself!" I nervously looked down on my shoes. "But... Girls don't like me! They think I'm weird..." I said quietly.

"Sam... Do you it, you're a grown man now! You're a 7th grader!" He exclaimed. I nodded and took a deep breath. I have him my lunch box and I walked over to the girls. "Um... Uh... Hi..." I said while nervously looking away at them. "Hi." They replied.

"Um... Well I got a carrot here, for three of you..." I said while taking out a carrot and giving it to the girl with a beard. "What are those bunny ears for? Are you a furry?" The girl with pink hair asked. I looked away and replied. "No... I'm just... Half rabbit..."

"Wow, that's weird!" The bearded girl said. I rolled my eyes at her, she has a beard! "What's up with your beard though?" I asked.

"It's a medical condition." She replied. I nodded and walked away. "Well... Bye girls..." I said, I think I made progress. "Bye bunny boy~!" I heard the girl with pink hair say as I left. I heard then giggle and I sighed. "Great now they probably think I'm weird..." I said while I walked to Taurtis. "I heard everything..." He said, looking disappointed.

"How was I? Did I do good?" I asked. He shook his head and I sighed as the bell rang. He handed me my lunch box as we walked to class. "What's up with that beard? Come on Sam, don't ask people about their condition it's rude! Also why did you give them a carrot? Did you tell them about your bunny ears? Is that why they called you bunny boy?" He asked, so many questions.

"Well they asked and I just answered their question that I was half rabbit..." I replied while looking down. "Sam, they don't need to know that! This is why people made fun of you in our last school." He said while patting my back. We entered the math room and there was our teacher, he was a bit heavy and was almost going bald. "Hello class, you may sit anywhere today! Tomorrow there will be a seating chart based on your performance today." He said as he started writing his name on the board.

Me and Taurtis sat on the back, so we could do whatever we want really. "My name is Mr. Carlson." He said as he went on his desk. Everyone was sitting down on their seats now, and the final bell rang so he closes up the classroom. "Now if you may all settle down, I can take roll." He said as everyone became quiet. He started calling names and me and Taurtis were just talking quietly now.

"So what you need to do is to be nice, maybe share something because people love that. You need to try and be cocky but not too cocky." He said, I had no idea what he was talking about. "Shouldn't I just not do those things and be myself?" I asked. He shrugged and Mr. Carlson called on me. "Samgladiator?" I waved my hand and yelled. "Present!"

"Taurtis?" "Here teacher!" Taurtis cried as he waved his hand. "Ok so during lunch we'll try again, ok?" He said. I nodded and put my head down on my desk. I noticed the three girls were here too, we sat in groups of two so one of them had to sit in the row next to them. The beard girl was apart from the others... Man am I nervous for lunch...

Yandere Middle School Samgladiator's YHS fanfic Book 1: 7th Grade ArcWhere stories live. Discover now