Chapter 6: Friends

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A couple of weeks later...

Taurtis' POV

"Ok class, you may now go out and play whatever you want!" Mr. Uchida said as he sat on the chair and watched us. He was a heavy guy, but he was still somehow fit. It made no sense. "Hey Taurtis~" Salex said as she walked over to me. "Hi Salex."

"Wanna go to the back?" She asked. I looked over to the behind of the gym. The gym teacher was too busy on his phone. "Sure." I said while she giggled. She dragged me over to the back of the gym and there were some bleachers over there. So we sat on them. "This way no one can see us or bother us! Especially that bunny dude, can I be honest?" She asked. I nodded. "I don't really like him, I find him annoying... He's dragging down your image you should ditch him..." "B-But Salex, he's been my best friend since we were born! I witnessed every good and bad thing that happen to either me or him together. I was reassuring him when his mom died!"

She sighed and frowned. "Ok..." She pouted. I felt bad for disappointing her- but Sam is my best friend. He's like a brother to me. I can't abandon him!... Or can I?... He's done nothing but bring me down really, like Salex said, he's ruining my image. I peaked over to the basketball courts and he was there, playing basketball all by himself. I notice Dom threw the ball at the back of his head and laughed. Dom and this one guy named Prime, I know him from science.

"Ok..." I told her while I watched Sam run off, most likely to cry. He's really sensitive... The smallest things make him cry. "Wh-what?" She asked. I turned back to her and said. "I'll do it... I'll abandon him." "Really?!" She said. I nodded and she hugged me, she seemed oddly happy for this... "Soon you'll be the most popular 7th grader ever!" She said with a wide smile. I felt bad for doing this, but I could make better friends this way... I'm tired of dealing with Sam...

"Hold on Salex I'm gonna go." I told her as I headed away from the bleachers. "Where are you going?" She questioned. "To tell Sam the news..."

Sam's POV

I ran into the boys locker room and sat on the bench as I teared up. "I hate how I'm treated here... It's 6th grade all over again." I said in between sniffles. I covered my face as I continued to lightly sod. I heard footsteps, I checked to see it who it was... It was my best friend Taurtis. "Hey Taurtis." I said quietly as he walked to me. "Hey... I have something to tell you." He said.

"Please tell me it's that you have a carrot for me... Those cheer me up and we ran out of food at my house..." I said as he shook his head. "Sadly, no. I've come here to tell you... We are longer friends." He said. Did I hear this right? My only really close friend... Is longer my friend? "H-Huh? You don't really mean that do you?" I asked. He nodded and patted my back. "Haha, very funny Taurtis," I laughed. "Just goofing and gaffing, huh?"

"No Sam. This is real. No jokes..." He said as my smile turned into a frown. "B-But why?!" I asked, in the verge of crying once again. "You're my friend! I need you more now than I ever did! I need you to help me with Dom! I can't stay alone all the time, he'll beat me up everyday!" I said said he sighed. "You're just not the kind of person I should be hanging out with... It was a nice 13 year run, but it's time to call it quits. Goodbye, Sam, I wish you luck without my help." He said as he walked away.

"T-Taurtis..." I said as he turned back. "You're not a good person... You're a monster. You're leaving your best friend for no reason, HOW COULD YOU END IT LIKE THIS?!" I shouted at him as I stood up and my voice echoed in the room. "For no reason? I do have a reason... I've been dealing with YOUR bullshit for the past 13 years! You always cry over something, you always ask me for help, YOU ALWAYS TELL ME TO DO THINGS I DONT WANT TO DO LIKE GO WITH YOU TO THE LIBRARY!" He shouted back. "And what do I get in return? Nothing..."

"Sorry... Just today's been bad enough already... My dad almost killed himself again... I'm sorry." I said quietly as he gave me a look. He walked away as he got out a necklace he had hidden away. "Whatever."

I looked at it... It was the necklace that I have to him when we were in kindergarten. It was made of a picture of a Dorito. It was weird I know, but it symbolized how close we were. We were able to give each other terrible food... I walked over to it and pick it up. I got mine out from my neck and they looked the same. Only taurtis' was red and blue and mine was a plain white.

I started to cry, yet again. I threw Taurtis' necklace and it broke in two. I ripped mine out from my neck and threw it into the trash can. "Stupid Taurtis." I said as I walked back to where I was sitting as I tried to not cry anymore...

Yuki's POV

I was walking by the boys locker room to see if I could smell anyone's socks. But while I was sneaking in I heard some crying... I took a quick peek and saw it was Sam. He was crying... I built up the courage to try and ask him what was wrong. "Hi sam." I said as I walked into the scene.

"Huh? Yuki!" He said as he wiped the tears off and gave me a straight face. "I'm not crying..." I sat next to him and asked. "What's wrong? Is something going on?" He looked at me I smiled. He returned the smile, but it was forced. "It's just that... I'm being bullied at lot, and I'm really hungry but there's nothing to eat anymore, then my dad tried killing himself again, and to make things worse... Taurtis and I are no longer friends..." He explained.

I sighed and looked at him with sympathy. I gave him a hug as he started to cry on my shoulder. "It's ok Sam... You'll be fine. I'll help you as much as I can, ok? If you want I can ask my parents if they can buy you guys some food or something." I said while he continued. He paused for a brief moment but he answered. "Thanks, it would mean a lot to me... C-Can you be my best friend then? I need someone to help me through this..." He asked.

It was a sudden question, but I feel like me and Sam have known each other for a while now and we're ready to become that level of friends. I smiled and he let go of the hug. He looked a little bit better as he sniffled. He finally smiled, it was real this time... "Alright Sam... I'll be your best friend." I said. He remained silent, but then he was the one that gave me a hug. "Thank you..."

Yandere Middle School Samgladiator's YHS fanfic Book 1: 7th Grade ArcWhere stories live. Discover now