Chapter 2: Taurtis and the Ladies

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Sam's POV

The bell rang, fifth period was now over so it was lunch time now. I left my history class and went over to where me and Taurtis are going to meet up every day. I walked over to the front of the library and waited there. As I was waiting I had all the books we got in my hand. Which meant I was carrying three textbooks. When I was about to take a seat a boy went up to me.

"Oh... Hi." I said shyly. He knocked the books out of my hands and it landed on my feet. "Ow!" I said while I rubbed my toe. "You carry those books like a girl! Carry them like a guy, you look gay." He said while he walked away. I looked at him and he had on a purple hat. "I wonder what his name is..." I said while I got my textbooks off the floor and put them on the bench.

A paper flew out of his backpack, since it was open, when he went out of the area. It glided at my feet and I picked it up. "DomRao..." I mumbled as I looked up and then at the math work. For the fun of it, I checked what grade he was on. He was in 7th grade like me, but he got all these math problems wrong. "I should correct them for him and teach him how to do these problems, maybe we could be friends!" I said while I smiled.

I got out a piece of paper and a mechanical pencil. I started copying down the problems and doing them, showing and explaining how to the problem while I was at it! I don't know why I have pre-algebra. I got an A last year in 6th grade math. I should be in Algebra right now... "Hey Sam, you doing homework?" I heard Taurtis ask as he sat next to me.

"No, I'm helping out a guy named Dom right now!" I said while I did the other problem. "Let me see." He said as he grabbed the worksheet. "This is our homework, why are you doing someone else's homework? Is he bullying you?" He asked. He treated me like a little brother, even though I'm older than him. "No well not exactly. He just slammed my books on the floor but that's all I was hoping to be friends with him by doing his work for him." I informed him as I continued doing the work.

"Sam you do realize if you did that he would only use you for easy As, right? I know Dom, I encountered him just now in science class." Taurtis said while I looked at the worksheet, what was he is saying true? Why would people do that when they're trying to be friendly with them... People confuse me these days, they're scary. "What did he do?" I asked.

"Well since I'm not that nerdy he was easy on me and just called me a faggot. That's all." He said while he got the paper I was writing on. "You shouldn't worry about people who don't care about you." He ripped up the paper and I gasped at the sight. "But how else am I supposed to make friends?" I asked.

"You don't make friends that way that's all I know." He said. I shrugged and put away Dom's worksheet in my textbook and then closed it. "Leave his work here." He said. "What? Why?" I asked.

"Because it's his problem he forgot it, come on let's go greet the girls." He said while I got up and left his worksheet there. I got my books and carried them. "Why don't you put them in your backpack?" Taurtis asked.

"They hurt my back and will keep me short I wanna be tall." I said while we walked near by the girls table. "We'll leave them here with me, go talk with the fife girls there." Taurtis said while he grabbed my books for me.

"There's fife now?" I said while it was the three from this morning and two other ones. One of the new ones had black hair with blonde tips on her hair, she had glasses too. The other one was a girl with normal black hair and purple eyes. "Go talk to them!" Taurtis said. I nervously scooted over to the girls.

"H-H-Hi girls." I said while shaking a bit. "Oh look it's bunny boy! He's who we were talking about earlier during PE!" The girl with pink hair told the two other girls. "Yeah he also gave us a carrot to share!" The bearded girl said while laughing. I blushed in embarrassment, I've never been more embarrassed in my life... "So he's also carrot boy?" The green girl asked.

They laughed even harder, so I laughed along with them. "Hahaha! Very funny..." I said while I looked down and scratched the back of my head. "I'll tell you m-my real n-name... My name is S-S-SamGladitor... But p-please call m-me Sam..." I said while nervously looking away. "Mine is Yuki." The girl with pink hair told me. "Invader's the name." Beard girl said while I looked at Taurtis really quick. "Sookie..." The other girl said nervously.

"I'm Chan." The other girl said, the one with purple eyes. "M-My name is Silly..." The last girl said nervously, looks like I'm not the only nervous one here. "So what are you doing here exactly? Giving us a carrot to share into fifths?" Invader asked.

"N-No, I gave you guys my only lunch for today..." I said while looking down. "I don't live very well..." They stayed quiet, I wonder what happened, was it something I said? "Here, you can have it back then." Yuki said while she handed me the carrot. "We have our own lunch..."

I got the carrot and listened to my stomach growl. "Are those real?" Chan asked, referring to my bunny ears. "Huh? Oh yeah..." I said. I looked at Taurtis and he face-palmed himself, forgot I wasn't supposed to be honest.

"That's cool! Can I feel them?" She asked, I was surprised. Usually people would just make fun of me for it but she wants to touch them! "Um... Sure..." I said while she got up and felt my ears. "Wow they're really soft!" She said with giggling. I smiled and she smiled back.

"Well, I should get going... Nice meeting you girls..." I said, trying to get away from the group as fast as possible. "Bye Sam!" Silly said while I turned around. "See you later bunny boy." Invader said while I ran to Taurtis.

"So how was it?" I asked. He clapped his hands and nodded his head in approval as he smiled. "Good job! You got one of the girls to feel your ears- that means she likes you!" He said, I wasn't sure that meant she likes me... She probably she wanted to feel my ears that's all. "Well I highly doubt it, considering how much of a nerdy weird freak I am." I told him.

"Just watch and learn, buddy." He said while he handed me back my books. I watched him from afar and listened to what he was saying to the girls.

Taurtis' POV

"Hello, girls." I said while leaning against the table. "Hi Taurtis." Yuki said, I sit next to her in History. "Are you and Sam really friends?..." Sookie asked. I nodded and she didn't respond. "Um... Can you tell him I said hi?" Silly asked, I knew her since last year in our other school. "Sure, and who is this?" I said, referring to the girl with black hair and purple eyes. "I'm Chan, I'm assuming your name is Taurtis?" She asked.

"That's my name, don't wear it out." I said while winking. She giggled and the other girls laughed. "So cocky yet so funny." Invader said while I just noticed she had a beard. "Gross! I mean... Erm... Nice beard... Invader..." I said.

She rolled her eyes and me and said. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." I laughed and took my phone out and quickly snapped a pic. "There we go!" I said while laughing harder. "You son of a... I was joking delete it!" She cried while she got up from her seat. "Fine fine." I said while I got my phone out and showed her proof I deleted it. "There!"

"Look, carrot guy is looking at us, hi carrot guy~!" Yuki said while winking at him, it was weird I have a feeling she might like him. "Hi... Yuki..." He I heard him say. "Well ladies, I should be going back with my geeky friend over there.. I'm kind of a big deal to him." I said while walking away.

"Bye Taurtis." They said in unison. "Ciao!" I said while smiling at them.

Sam's POV

Taurtis walked up to me and smiled. "That's how you talk to women." He said while walking to the basketball courts. "Come on Taurtis, why did you mess with invader like that?" I asked.

"She told me to take a picture and I did, she thinks I deleted it but it's still on
MyCloud." He said while chuckling. He pulled out his phone and showed me the picture. "See!" She was off-guard, and her eyes were looking at her camera. I couldn't help but laugh. "Ok, Taurtis, you got me that's very funny!" I said while laughing.

"You see, this is what I'm talking about- the little moments! This is what we remember the most in school." He explained we while walked over to the blacktop while laughing. "I guess you're
Taurtis, I guess you're right."


Awww Poor sam he's being bullied by Dom :( he's a good person you can obviously tell cx well that's the chapter! Thanks for reading my muffincats :3

Yandere Middle School Samgladiator's YHS fanfic Book 1: 7th Grade ArcWhere stories live. Discover now