Chapter 10

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(I'm taking classes on writing :D not in school but online cx so posting might be slowed down for a little while but it's only to be bringing you guys better story telling and better grammar and more detailing words and writing styles you guys might like even more :) this chapter has some of the new material I learned to make things seems a little bit more realistic.)

Sam's POV

"That was cool, what you did to Dom." Yuki said while we walked away from the gym. The bell for the next period rang and so, we had to go to class. We had the same science class, but we don't sit next to each other. "Thanks." I said while she put her hands behind her back while saying. "You're welcome... Sam." "Do you know if Dom hates me even more?" I asked her. She lightly shooed her head and then I continued to walk with her.

I spotted Taurtis, he was with Salex. He gave her a kiss on the cheek while she blushed. "They're cute aren't they?" Yuki asked while I shrugged. "They are, but I don't like what Taurtis did to me." I said while she sighed. She put her hand on my shoulder and said. "You don't have to keep worrying about him. He's never just understood how good it was to be your friend." She had a point. Taurtis shouldn't be bringing me down. This is a sign that I shouldn't get too attached to something.

"You're right." I mumbled while she smiled. I smiled back at her and she blushed. Wait, she blushed? Wow... Maybe because she saw someone she liked, obliviously not me. Because no one ever liked me in that way. "Sam, why can't you just be mine..." She said while I raised an eyebrow. "What?" I asked.

"Hm? Oh... Nothing! I didn't mean to say that out loud.." She said while taking her hand off my shoulder and lightly rubbed the back of her hand. I chuckled and said. "You're funny, I like how you joke around like that." She nodded and gave a fake smile. "Yeah, joke." She replied. She hinted a lot of emotions. But I don't know if she's being really friendly or she likes me. I think she likes me. That could be the case!

We arrived at the science class and our teacher, requested us to take our seats. We made it in time before the three minute passing period ended. It was extremely short, hardly enough time to walk to class. I feel as if this school is way too strict. "Well I'll talk to you later." I said while she nodded and we took our seats next to our lab partners. Which meant I sat next to Grian. "Hey dude." He said while I greeted him by waving. "How's it going?" I asked him.

"Good! I bet it feels great to stand up to your bully, huh?" He asked. I chuckled and shrugged my shoulders. "I guess it is." I replied. The teacher then got up in front of the class and started drawing something on the board. "Hey, can I hang out with you sometime? You actually do seem like a cool person, I never really noticed you until today." He asked. "Sure you can." "That's great! I can tell well be good friends." Grian said.

"Alright class today we will be doing a test." The teacher said as I got out my textbook. "Oh, can I share with you? I didn't have enough time to get to my locker." He asked. I nodded and moved my textbook to the middle of the table where we could both see it. "The test is open book and notes, please do your best. This test is only 25 questions." She said while handing it to everyone. I like to take tests, I think they're really cool because I can show them off and people always look at them in awe.

It's the only way people really view me as important. Also it's the only way I made friends before, I let them copy my homework and tests...

Sometime later... During Band

The bell rang, so I set down my clarinet in its case while everyone else left. "Remember, the big concert for the stadium's grand opening is in four months!" Our teacher announced while everyone left. I grabbed my case while I walked over to where we keep our instruments. "Sam, you did well today. I think you can be first chairman for clarinet." My teacher told me while I turned back to grab my music sheets. "Thanks, since I have nothing else to do I mostly practice." I told her.

"I can tell, you are the best clarinet player I've ever had!" She said while smiling. I chuckled and said. "Thanks, well I'm going to lunch, see you tomorrow." I said while leaving the class. "Goodbye." She said while I walked towards my lunch table. I remembered Grian would also be hanging out with us, which was going to be great. But I think I should do something before I do all that... I should confess my love for Sookie.

I don't think I made it clear to anyone, even myself. But my heart just feels right more with Sookie than Yuki. I remembered again that she usually goes to her locker after class to go get her lunch from home. So I walked to her locker, nervously. I wonder if she would accept my feelings. I cleared my throat as I watched my feet move along. My ears were down now, since I'm nervous. I was getting close to her locker, I can already see her.

She closed the locker, and she appeared to have a brown-beige colored bag. "He-Hey So-Sookie, I ne-need to tell y-you something." I stuttered. She smiled while she waved to me. She gave me a quick hug while she said. "Hi Sam!" In a cheerful way, she smiled at me. She looked really happy. "Why are you so happy today?" I asked her while I smiled back. "I'll tell you in a bit, just tell me what you wanted to tell me!" She said while I took a deep breath.

"I just wanted to confess something..." I said while running the back of my neck and shyly looking away from her. "Oh?" She asked. I nodded and spat it out. "I like you Sookie... You're a very beautiful and nice girl. You're very cute in my opinion... Like so kawaii." I said while chuckling. I then gave her a hug while she slowly hugged me back, not saying anything. "Sam... I-." She said before I cut her off. "Before you say anything else I want to add that I also... Think things between us can work out... If you want to give it a try." I asked her. What am I doing?

"Sam... I need to tell you why I'm so happy..." She said while she pulled away from the hug. Uh oh. This can't be good. "Dom asked me out. I said yes." She told me while i felt like shit... "O-Oh..." I said while sighing. "Sorry Sam, you're cool and all but... Well." She said while sucking her teeth. I didn't respond, I just walked away. I knew something like this was going to happen, I just knew it!

Yandere Middle School Samgladiator's YHS fanfic Book 1: 7th Grade ArcWhere stories live. Discover now