Chapter 3: Bunny Boy

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Sam's POV

The day ended, which meant me and Taurtis were going to hang out at a place called the Teen Center. "So what do you wanna do when we get there? Play super smash?" I asked my friend. "Oh, well it's what you're going to do because I'm going to hang out with some other girls, I met this 6th grader. She's really hot! I think I have a shot with her." He said while I gave a disappointed look, I wanted to play gamecrab with him, we haven't played it in a while.

"Well what's her name?" I asked. He paused and then the words came out of his mouth. "Salex, she's cool! You should try hooking up with that Yuki girl I think she likes you." He said while nudging me. I laughed, she did not like me I know that as a fact. "She doesn't like me, I heard she actually likes you not me..." I said while he turned the other way.

"There she is, see you later!" He said while he ran off to her. I watched him greet her, she had brown hair and ocean blue eyes. She was actually pretty attractive... I sighed and entered the building alone. I looked around and saw only 8th graders and high school kids. The high schoolers were really scary I heard the gym teacher from that school is really abusive and always calls the students maggots.

"Maybe I should just go home..." I said while I went outside. I carried my books as I noticed the bus left without me, I groaned, now I have no way of getting home and my house is in the other side of town and I have to carry these books. "A little walking shouldn't hurt..."

When I stepped out of the covered area of the outside of the Teen Center, it began to rain. I noticed the students who were outside go elsewhere and then I had no choice but to walk home in this rain, so I continued walking. The one day I didn't bring my jacket either... I sighed and the rain continued to poor on my head. I felt my bunny ears sink down on my shoulders because they were wet.

The books were getting wet now, I had to get my gym clothes and wrap it around them, so I set them on a nearby table and got my backpack out and took my gym clothes out as the rain was pouring faster and harder now. "It's really bad..." I mumbled to myself. I closed my backpack and got my phone out to quickly check the weather. "Showers all day?" I groaned.

I put my backpack back on and carried my books again. Thunder could be heard, I was scared of it. So i started run, as I ran I tripped on my shoelace. "God damn it!" I shouted as I fell down.

I dropped my books and I landed on the ground. I scrapped my knees and landed on my face, so I felt a huge stingy pain on the two areas. I checked my leg and I have a huge scrape on my knee. I took out my phone and checked my face to see how it was with the camera. On my right cheek I had a scrape on it too, it was starting to bleed. "Haha! You tripped I got it on camera too!" Dom said while he walked over to me.

"Can you help me, please?" I said while he walked closer to me. "Sure, I'll help you." He said as he grabbed one of my textbooks and threw it in a bush. He then walked to me and punched me in the face. "What was that for?!" I asked while I felt like I was going to tear up. "Don't ask me for favors." He said while he kicked one of my books on the road.

He walked away and I sighed as I felt my eye hurting. My face, eye, and legs were now hurting all at once. I slowly got up and dragged myself to get my book from the street. When I got it I sat down on the ground while the rain and the blood coming out of my face and leg fused together, causing there to be a small puddle of it near by me.

"You look like you need help, bunny boy..." I heard someone say. I looked up and it was Yuki. I was crying, and Taurtis told me not to let a girl see me cry, it would make me look weak. "N-No... I'm fine." I said as I looked the other way.

She walked over to the bushes and dug out my textbook. "Here... Let me help you go to the nurse at school..." She said, why would she help me? I'm just a nerd... A weak, weird, lonely nerd! "But don't you have other things you would rather be doing than helping me?" I asked.

"Sure, but I feel like I should help you..." She said while she helped me up. "You're crying aren't you?" I shook my head and looked the other way. "No. It's just the rain going down my face." I said while she took a look at my cheek. "You fell down really hard didn't you?" She asked, I nodded and noticed her hair was really wet... "Yeah... Why is Dom so mean to me? I just wanted to be his friend..."

"Dom's just like that, if you want him to leave you alone don't talk to him." She said while she grabbed my textbooks for me. "Thanks Yuki..." I said while I got my textbooks and we began walking over to the nurse's office. "No problem..."

The rest of the way we stayed quiet when we arrived at the nurse's office she immediately treated my wounds and put band-aids on it. "There now you're ready to go." She said while I got up from the seat. She dismissed me and Yuki.

"Say, since it's raining maybe do you want to go to Sookie's house with me?" Yuki asked. I nodded as we walked out of the office. "Sure... I'll go." I said as I smiled, she smiled back and then contacted Sookie... I finally have a friend that's a girl...

Yandere Middle School Samgladiator's YHS fanfic Book 1: 7th Grade ArcWhere stories live. Discover now