Chapter 1 - Love Contamination

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Chapter 1

After a Beauxbatons's professor dropped me off of here using her invisible flying car, I immediately opened the gates of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and stepped inside. It was indeed bigger that Beauxbatons's considering that there were boys studying here.

"Greetings, Aeribelle Everheart," a nearing old-lady greeted from the stairs. "I'm Professor McGonagall, the new headmistress of this school,"

"Nice to meet you," I tried to sound enthusiastic but it wasn't in my nature so I obviously failed to get it done.

"Come on," she walked and I trailed behind her. "Let's sort you in a house. The students are currently having a feast. All the first years were already sorted,"

"Excuse me for being late, professor," I honestly said. "Nobody kind of wanted to drop me off of here," she didn't reply after that. She knew the reason why no one wanted to drop me off. The professor who dropped me off went against her will and I was not that blind to not have been able to see that. Teachers were not my friends. They hated me like I hated them.

The reason of why I was here was quite obvious. I got kicked out of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. I was happy to be out of that school for I wanted to get out of that hell hole more than you could ever imagine.

Professor McGonagall opened the door that led to the dining room. It was quite huge and many wizards filled the room, enjoying the feast. I was led to the very front of the room and was ordered to sit on the chair provided. "Pay attention, everyone!" Professor McGonagall called the attention of the students.

"Isn't she too old to be a first year?" some boy stood up and asked from the Gryffindor table. The Headmistress already gave me some insights about the four houses here, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. The houses could be identified by colours.

"She's joining you in your seventh year," the lady Professor answered. I could guess that I was the first student to ever be transferred in their seventh year. Professor McGonagall placed a hat on my head.

"Mmmm..." the hat said. "Very foreign...very mysterious, what house do you belong, eh? As I can see, you're hard-working enough to be in Hufflepuff...mmm...Smart enough to be in Ravenclaw, this is tough...Brave enough to be in Gryff—"

"Shut your big damn mouth and just sort me into a house, you stupid hat," I hissed. The hat was annoying the hell out of me. It was irritating me and I needed to do something about it. Everyone inside the house was shocked for what I did, excluding Professor McGonagall and the professors of course. They were already informed about me and my attitude. Why they still accepted me go to this school? I didn't have an idea.

"I know where to sort you," the hat then yelled. "Slytherin!"

The Slytherin table cheered and I didn't know why. A boy who was about the same age or year as me stood up and walked towards me, "Hi, I'm Theodore Nott, most handsome guy in this house," everybody snorted at his statement of being the most handsome guy in Slytherin, because obviously, he wasn't even close to it.

"I'm Aeribelle Everheart," I smiled at him and after a second, I gave him a glare that made him stumble a few steps back. "And I couldn't even care less about you, or your horrible face," many students snorted and some laughed at Theodore. I bumped my shoulder on his then sat on the chair that he was sat on earlier.

As another plate of untouched food appeared in front of me, I noticed that everybody's eyes were focusing only on one thing. "Look at me and I swear that I'll grab your eyeballs out of their sockets," everybody resumed back to their eating whilst I couldn't help but notice a blonde still staring a few seats away in front of me. I found his gaze rather intimidating for some odd reason. It was like he was trying to familiarize me.

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