Chapter 9 - Love Contamination

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Chapter 9

"I feel obliged to disagree with the pairings, Professor," I told the raven-haired professor in D.A.D.A. "A Gryffindor and a Slytherin wouldn't go well together, especially when that Gryffindor hates that certain prat o—"

"I am the Professor here, and you follow my rules, Miss..." he searched my name from his list before returning his attention back to me. "Miss Everheart," I heard Draco snorted from beside me. Why was he snorting? Did he want to be paired with me that he found Snape entertaining whilst humiliating me in front of the whole class?

I did my best to glare at Draco and saw that he just glared back. I hated seating beside him. I hated being this close to him. I didn't know what I would do if we ever made body contact again. I might be able to kill him. I had enough of him from the present time so why did I need to seat beside him in the past too? Was it just pure coincidence or the world just hated me that much?

Just to piss him off, I mouthed silently to him the words "Death Eater". That pissed him off alright, his face turned red with anger that I was trying so hard not to laugh during class.

I didn't know how I was able to understand his sentence when he mouthed "I'm going to get you for this," I guessed it came to skills just to be able to understand many voiceless words. I rolled my eyes for a reply.

There were certain things that I was afraid of.

But luckily, Draco Malfoy was not one of them.


"Everheart!" I walked faster to avoid the one who was calling me. "Everheart! You better talk to me or I swea—"

"What do you want?" I turned around and looked at him.

"I did tell you that I'll get you later for pissing me off earlier, right?"

"What are you, Malfoy? A kid?" I rolled my eyes. "And don't be so pissed, what I called you earlier was the truth. You're a dea—"

"Don't you dare say it," he hissed through gritted teeth. "Remember this, Everheart. I will learn a secret or two about you, and you wouldn't even have the guts to step on Hogwarts again,"

"As if that would happen," I smirked. "Secrets don't mix well with me. Goodluck finding out one. Who knows? You might even get a prize from me if you did," he was about to say something when I cut him off. "Do me a favour, Malfoy. Go run to Pansy Parkinson and stay away from me. I don't like talking to filthy prats like you,"

...So much for keeping an eye on Draco Malfoy. I mentally sighed. I guessed what Dumbledore wanted me to do was that difficult after all.

Malfoy walked away from me after that. Well, he most likely stomped away from me...but I didn't care. He should know it wouldn't do him any good to mess with me, Aeribelle Everheart.


The day ended and I was here alone in my room. Ginny and Hermione were both having their dinner. They argued with me to join them but I didn't have an appetite so they eventually gave up. I looked at the time turner Professor McGonagall had given me. I could turn back the time and know what happened to my parents with this.

After a few minutes, I made up my mind to face the truth...but I needed to do something first. I rotated the time turner and went back to Professor McGonagall's office. I saw myself explaining to the professor that she gave me the time turner for a purpose. Both figures were in a state of shock, including myself.

I touched my other physical body and rotated the time turner too many times. At least I was careful enough to retrieve myself from staying in Hogwarts in my sixth year. I didn't want to change the future with my existence and it was a good thing that the evil Draco wouldn't be able to remember me.

After the time travelling, my other body merged with mine and I found myself in my room in my old house. I saw my sleeping figure on my bed. I tip-toed quietly downstairs so that nobody would be able to notice me. This was it. After all these years, I would now know why my parents died.

Maybe I could save them.

"—There's no use in begging me to set the two of you free," an unfamiliar woman voice said. "You will please Lord Voldemort and that's the end of it. If you don' know the consequences, do you?" she laughed sadistically like she found their conversation entertaining. I didn't know what she looked like since I was too busy hiding my presence from them.

"We're raising a child," my father explained. "We don't want to get her mixed up in this. I want her to live a good life, not like us,"

"Please, have mercy on us," my mother pleaded. All my life, I'd never heard her like this. What were they talking about? Were they talking about me? "We want to be a happy family,"

"A happy family?" the unknown woman laughed again. "You can also be happy by making her like us...and now that's a good idea. Where is she?"

"I don't want her to be one of us," my mother answered. "Let us go, Bellatrix. I'm begging you. I'm willing to do anything just stay her out of this,"

"Hmm...where is she?" the woman named Bellatrix ignored my mother. "Is she upstairs? I want to see her. She's going to be a good addition to us,"

"No!" my father shouted in despair. "Kill us but don't touch her. The both of us are willing to take the risks. Just leave my daughter alone,"

"You're willing to die?" Even though I didn't know what this Bellatrix woman looked like, I knew that she was smiling. My body cowered in fear. I wanted to step in and save them but my body froze. Were my parents in some sort of organization? Why didn't they want me to join them?

I knew my parents very well. They always thought of what was best for me.

"If you say so," Bellatrix cheerfully exclaimed. "Avada Kedavra!"


The killing curse.

I heard my parents' screams downstairs. I placed a hand on my mouth to stop myself from screaming too. "K-Keep your p-promise..." my mother's voice trailed off. "D-Don't make her a death eater like us..."

I hurriedly started to spin the time turner. I couldn't handle this. I was not ready to face the truth. I needed to get back to my present time. I would go insane if I stayed another minute here.

I wanted to kill myself then and there.

I then realized...what kind of a daughter was I?

I didn't even help them.

I was the worst.

Was this the life my parents fought for?

Was this cowardly life the reason they died?

I couldn't contain my tears. I was too weak to even help them even though I had the second chance. The truth was too much for me to handle. My parents were death eaters and they died because they didn't want me to become like one.

I thought of the first place that came into my mind and landed in the common room of my present time. It was already in the evening. I fell on my knees and started to cry heavily. The pain in my heart was too severe that I couldn't even think straight of what to do next.

"Everheart?" a familiar voice called for my name but I ignored it. I was not in the mood to argue with him. He should just leave me alone...but his figure strolled towards me. Was he going to mock me? "What happened?" he kneeled beside me and patted my head. I didn't mind his gesture.

"M-Malfoy," I stuttered. "I don't know what to do anymore," I found myself leaning on his chest and grabbing his sweater.

He was warm.

I didn't know if it was out of sympathy that he circled his arms around me for comfort. But other than that, I was grateful of his existence right now.

Love Contamination (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now