Chapter 4 - Love Contamination

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Chapter 4

It was finally my time to have a class with the headmistress herself, Professor McGonagall. I had a good impression when I first saw the professor, but now, I didn't even want to look at her. But who was I to complain? She wasn't that knowledgeable about my relationship with Draco Malfoy so she made me sit beside him.

"You again?" I snickered. "I'm getting too tired of seeing your face,"

"Is everything okay?" Professor McGonagall asked me and I shook my head. "Please meet me after class, Miss Everheart,"

"Great," I whispered. "It's probably just another detention,"

"Just try to be nice," Draco suggested without looking at me. The professor started her lecture about Transfiguration. "It doesn't hurt to try,"

"It does hurt, Malfoy," I snickered at him. "Especially when it comes to foul gits like you,"

"Why do you hate me so much?"

"I don't know," I admitted. I knew that he never did something to piss me off. I really didn't know why I was that angry at him. "Maybe it's because of your girlfriend. Yeah, maybe that,"

"If you have known me before..." he trailed off then continued. "You would hate me more than you hate me now,"

"How is that even possible?" I mocked him. "Just as you said in the hallway, Malfoy, I hate the world," and he didn't reply after that, which I really preferred. The lecture about a subject that I didn't even care about then continued to consume me.


"I heard your conversation with Mr. Malfoy earlier in my class," Professor McGonagall said as I stayed behind as the others went to have their lunch. "He was right, if you have known him before, you would have hated him so much more,"

"Is this why you wanted me to stay after class, professor? Because pardon me, it doesn't even make sense,"

"It makes a lot of sense," she smiled at me as she rounded the table to stand up in front of my seat. "You need to know who Draco Malfoy is before,"

"You're asking for the impossible," I shook my head. "I can't turn back in time. And what makes you think that I would be interested to Malfoy?"

"Because he might change you, Miss Everheart," she closed her eyes and opened them once again. "He might be able to take away the hatred that covered your heart. You're not a bad person. You're a good one,"

"What makes you say that?" I asked, quite confused of what I was hearing.

"I know what happened in the cafeteria. You saved your friend," she explained which was true. "You just have a different way of showing people how you care for them. That's why you need to meet the old Draco Malfoy,"

I didn't have anything to say back to her because I was confused at her way of thinking. Was I possibly a good person like she was saying? Did I just have a different way of showing people how I cared for them?

Since I didn't want to ask her the things that were going on inside my head, I just altered another topic, "As I said earlier, I can't turn back in time. So there's no possible way for me to see the old Draco Malfoy that you're talking about,"

She then grabbed something from her desk. She dangled the object in front of me, "Do you know what this is, Miss Everheart?"

"It's a necklace,"

"You're right," she nodded and placed it on the palm of my hands. "But it's not just a necklace, it's a time turner,"

"A time turner?" I tried to recall about this necklace. I was sure I saw this in a book when I was still studying back in Beauxbatons. "Why do you have this in your grasp, professor?"

"It's a secret that I can't tell," she then rounded her desk once again and sat back on her chair. "The ministry can't know that you have it. A wise student was granted the permission to use it to catch a few classes, but you don't have the same purpose to use it, that's why they can't know,"

"All this just for me to see the old Draco Malfoy?" I questioned and she nodded. "If I use this, the future would change, wouldn't it?"

"It wouldn't change if you remain hidden," she explained. "But if you want to be able to talk to Mr. Malfoy and not change the future, go back to the past when you're in the past and stop yourself from crossing his path,"

"Go back to the past when I'm in the past..." I repeated the words and finally got the message. "How do I use it?"

"Every turn counts as an hour,"

"And if I want to meet the old Draco, I need to do many spins?" I said and she nodded once again. "Well, that's tiring,"

Professor McGonagall gave me the number of turns that I needed to do to go back into Draco's sixth year. "Just tell me that you have the time turner when you're in the past," she explained. "My past self will understand,"

"Wait," I then wondered. "If I go back in time, I can possibly go back and see what happened to my parents, right?"

"Yes," she breathed out. "But that is if you want to change the future. Give it a thought. For now, it' your time to meet Mr. Malfoy,"

"Okay," I sighed. "Here it goes,"

"And Miss Everheart?" she called before I could even spin the necklace. "Don't ever, ever tell the future to my past self, you got it? This might change what's happening now."

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