Chapter 16 - Love Contamination

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Chapter 16

"N—No, you're not, Draco," I heard Pansy laughed nervously. It was like she could not believe what she just heard. "You're being delusional. You're not in love with her. This is just a prank...I know you. I know that you would never do this to me,"

"I'm sorry for hurting you but it's the truth," Draco's tone of voice was apologetic. "I couldn't stop my feelings, Pansy. I hope that you'll understand that,"

"No," Pansy obviously refused to take Draco's apology. Even when she was the reason why I could not stand up now, I felt bad for her. However, she should have seen this coming since she was a terrible person to begin with. "I've been with you all this time, Draco. Why are you doing this to me?"

"I've never loved you the same way that you loved me. I don't want to take advantage of you any longer. You deserve the truth that's why I'm being honest with you. I love Aeribelle and it's not going to change,"

"I hate you. I hate you, Draco!" Pansy stomped away from the common room and her friends tailed behind her. I guessed that she would be going to her room to scream at her pillow.

After Pansy left, Draco immediately kneeled beside me. I was sure that I looked terrible since I could not stand up right now. "I'm fine," I whispered. "I just need to rest so leave me alone,"

"You're going to rest here?" Mable laughed. "Don't be insane, Aeribelle. We're your friends. Let us help you,"

"Do I have a choice?" I rolled my eyes.

"You don't," Draco answered for Mable. Draco carried me all the way to the hospital wing and placed me gently on one of the beds near the entrance. "I'm going to look for the madam," the blonde boy left me alone with my friends.

"You were able to make the Slytherin Prince to fall in love with you?" Sapphire sat on the left side of my bed whilst Mable stood still. "Even if you're badly beaten up, you already won against Pansy,"

"It was never a competition for me," I remarked. "I know for myself that I never did anything to ruin their relationship,"

"Maybe you did..." Mable counter-attacked. "...but probably unintentionally,"

The madam arrived with Draco after a couple of minutes and tended to my wounds instantly. "What happened to you, dear?"

"Pansy Parkinson and four of her friends beat her up," Sapphire still could not contain her anger.

"What they did to you was severe. It's a good thing that they didn't break any of your bones," the Madam observed. "However, I think that you should report this incident to the headmistress early in the morning. Those girls need to be suspended,"

"It's fine," I decided to shrug the incident off.

"What are you talking about, Aeribelle?" Sapphire was frustrated. "If we didn't arrive, you would've ended up worse than this,"

"Don't argue, girls," the Madam cleaned up the used cottons and was ready to walk out of the hospital wing. "Let her rest,"

"I'll stay here," Draco quickly offered and that made Sapphire and Mable grin widely. "You two should also rest,"

"No one here's stopping you, Draco," Mable raised both of her hands in defence before leaving the hospital wing with Sapphire.

"Are you okay?" Draco asked the moment that my friends were gone. "I'm sorry that this has happened to you. It's partially my fault,"

"It's not your fault, Draco," I assured the blonde. "It's probably my fault. I should have stayed away from you,"

"Self-guilt is not a good look on you, Everheart," Draco mocked. "Don't you want to talk about what happened earlier?"

"Pansy was jealous,"

"Not that," he shook his head. "I was thinking of talking about what I've said,"

"Oh," I was surprised. I did not expect that Draco would want to talk about...that. "Look, Draco, I'm not really good with confessions. Also...this is the first time that someone confessed to me,"

"I find that hard to believe but not impossible," he explained. "You went to an all-girls magic school. If you went here during your first year, guys would have been all over you,"

"Yeah, right," I snickered.

"I'm serious," Draco looked at me straight into the eyes. "But I think that it's better that you moved here in your seventh year. I wasn't really the most likeable person in the world before,"

"Yeah. I've encountered you in the past. Remember?

"I remembered...Well, I think that you need to rest. We can talk about this tomorrow. I'll be sleeping on the other bed,"

Before he could walk to where the other bed was located, I spoke up, "After what happened to my parents, I wasn't sure if I was capable of loving another person...but I need to accept the fact that I am fond of you, Draco,"

Draco looked a little taken back by what I had said. He walked closer to my bed and planted a kiss on top of my forehead. "I'm not rushing you to love me, Aeribelle. I can slow down to walk your pace."

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