Chapter 5 - Love Contamination

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Chapter 5

I was in the same room with a stressed Professor McGonagall. Her face was tired but the room was still in the same place. "And who might you be?" she wondered as she looked at me. "The sorting will start in a few minutes,"

"I used the time-turner, Professor," I explained very briefly as I dangled the necklace in front of her. She stood up and examined it.

"You can't tell me what will happen in the future," she warned. "And don't ever tell me your purpose here, if this is the past for you,"

"I know professor," I told her. "Those were the last words you told me before I left. You just added the last part though,"

"Well," she said. "If I gave you that in the future, it means that I'm going to survive then. Let's get you sorted, shall we?" she asked. "The sorting hat will just go into your head and will keep its mouth shut about what he saw. It will put you in the house where we will not be hinted of what's going to happen in the future,"

"I didn't imagine for that annoying hat to be smart," I commented.

"You will meet people that you didn't see in the future, Miss...?"

"I'm Aeribelle Everheart," I introduced.

"As I was saying, Miss Everheart, you will meet people that weren't possibly in the future. So, don't be bothered and be shocked about that,"

"Of course," she led me to the direction of the Great Hall. "Who's the headmaster here?"

"Dumbledore," she looked at an old man with a long white beard. I was pretty sure that I hadn't seen him in the present time. He was smiling as a couple of first year students were being sorted into the houses.

"Who's the guy beside him?" I nudged at the man with shoulder-length black hair. His skin was very pale too.

"Severus Snape," she answered sharply. "He was a potions professor before then he became the professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts,"

A couple of questions then suddenly hit me.

Was Snape the one who died in my time? Was he the professor that Sapphire and Mable talked about?

I needed to keep my mouth sealed about this. I needed to keep my mouth sealed about his death. My mind then wondered to Auris McPhillips, my young D.A.D.A professor who gave me a detention. I guessed that detention needed to wait now, right?

"Who is it that you brought with you?" Dumbledore asked as we approached him.

"I'm a transfer from Durmstrang Institute," I lied. I wasn't even sure if there were girls in Durmstrang Institute. "I'm a muggleborn, and when my parents saw some dementors in the muggle world, they insisted for me to come here. They knew that I would be safe here,"

Even though Professor McGonagall didn't really know about me, she didn't question my statement. "I don't know if I can say that you came in the right place but let's get you sorted. You look old enough to be in sixth year," Snape butted in.

After waiting for my turn to get sorted into a house, I finally sat on the stool provided. I remained quiet as the hat read my thoughts. Professor McGonagall told me that the hat would sort me into a house where nothing would be hinted about the future. I didn't have any idea of where it would put me, but my suspicion ended when it yelled, "Gryffindor!"

Gryffindor was the last house that I suspected for the hat to sort me. Maybe it did make sense in the hat's way of thinking. "Please come to my office later, Miss...?"

"Everheart, headmaster," I answered Dumbledore with a smile on his face.

I approached the Gryffindor table and a girl a year before me approached me. "Hey!" she greeted. "I'm Ginny,"


"That's a beautiful name," she complimented.

"Thanks...I guess?" I said, not knowing what to say to an active girl who was obviously a year before me.

Wait, her face was very familiar. I already saw her in the present time. I was right. She was a year before me. I was a seventh year and she was a sixth. I just got a glimpse of her before. She grew up quite beautiful judging from her face now.

She led me to a couple of people who I didn't see in the present time. "And this is my friend, Harry," she gestured at a nerdy looking boy with a scar on his forehead. I heard of the name Harry before. Was it Harry Potter? I guessed I heard it from Fleur Delacour back in Beauxbatons. Obviously, Ginny had a crush on Harry. "That pig is my brother, Ron," she pointed at a huge guy with muscles who was chewing his food.

"Hi," he greeted as food went out of his mouth.

"Don't talk when your mouth is full, Ron," a girl yelled at the ginger-haired guy.

"And that's his soon-to-be-girlfriend, Hermione," Ginny whispered to me.

"What did you tell her?" Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Nothing," Ginny played it safe and I decided to stay silent to help her. I was sure that I hadn't seen Harry, Ron and Hermione in the present time. I was now wondering what happened to them. Did they stop going to school in their seventh year?

"Is it me or does Draco look as annoying as ever?" Ron muttered and that sure got my attention very well. I then looked over to where he was looking. Ginny and I sat beside Hermione and a plate of food appeared in front of me.

It did look like Draco Malfoy...but something was very off. He looked evil with that smirk plastered on his face. His eyes were cold and deep whilst his eyes in the present time were filled with so much emotion that I could never comprehend.

Was this really the same Draco that I'd met?

Was this the Draco from the past?

Suddenly, his eyes met mine. For a second, his smirk faltered a little bit then it got bigger than before. I looked away from him. "Who's he?" I nudged at the blonde boy.

"Draco Malfoy," Hermione spat. "The Prince of Slytherin and a follower of Voldemort,"

I didn't wince when she said the name Voldemort. Everyone pretty much knew who Voldemort was, every wizard in the world.

Wait, that was it!

Harry Potter won against Voldemort and was considered the saviour of the wizarding world. But then again, I couldn't tell anyone about that. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were the infamous Golden Trio. How could I be so dumb for not knowing that?

I needed to go back to the past whilst in here for me not to change the future just as Professor McGonagall said. But I came here for a reason, of course. And that reason was staring at me, trying to figure me out.

"Why is he looking at you?" Harry asked me. "Do you have a connection with him?"

"Of course not," I chuckled. "Why would I have a connection with him? It's just my second time in this world,"

"You're a muggleborn?" Hermione asked and I nodded, remembering about my lie. I knew for myself that I was a pureblood. But blood status didn't matter to me at all.

"If it's your second time here, you don't know who Voldemort is?" Ron asked me.

"I know Voldemort," I nodded at him, keeping my voice low as his so no one would overhear our conversation. "I know spells. I know everything about our world. I study about it even though I don't go to a wizarding school,"

"Isn't it illegal for a minor wizard to use spells outside the school?" Ginny asked me.

"It is," I agreed. "But who says that I use the spells? I memorized them to defend myself when the time comes,"

It was obvious that they bought my cover-up lie. I didn't know that I was this good at lying until now. "Let's hope that you memorized it very well then," Hermione said. 

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