Chapter 13 - Love Contamination

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Chapter 13

It had been a week since Draco walked in on me in the prefect's bathroom. I always found myself thinking about what happened. Who knew that Draco was that toned beneath those clothes of his?

What the hell was I thinking?

Was I having dirty thoughts about Draco?

No. Way.

"Hey, you're spacing out," Sapphire snapped me out of my thoughts. My friends and I were currently having our lunch in the Great Hall. "You've been spacing out for the past week. Want to tell us what happened in the prefect's bathroom? Is it haunted?"

Haunted by Draco's glorious body?


"No," I shook my head. "I've just been really tired of studying. I just feel a little bit burned out,"

At the corner of my eyes, I saw Draco who was sitting beside Pansy. He turned to look at me and flashed me a smile...which I did not return as I looked away almost immediately.

For the past week, I was successful in avoiding Draco. I did not want to be anywhere near him because I knew of how his presence would affect me.


"W—What in Blimey's name are you doing here?!" I yelled at the blonde boy and soaked myself lower in the tub.

"I—I was just going to—" Before Draco could finish his sentence, the towel that was covering his body from the waist down suddenly dropped on the...floor. He picked it up instantly and wrapped the towel around his waist again. "I'm sorry!"

My eyes widened and I did not know what to do next. I had no experience with guys, specifically good-looking guys at that.

How was I supposed to react?

I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body. I did not bother even I was still soaking wet. I knew that I just needed to get out of here. "This was really a bad ide—ah!" I screamed when I slipped on the wet floor.

I closed my eyes to brace myself for the impact but luckily, the blonde boy managed to catch me. It almost seemed like he was strong...until he fell on his behind whilst holding me in his arms.

"Are you alright?" he asked me. His face was too close to mine that I could feel his breath on my lips. "You could've hit your head,"

"I could ask you the same thing..." I whispered. "Are you alright?"

"I am," he answered. I did not know what was happening. Everything was happening so fast but yet, it felt like it was also in slow motion. Draco's face was inching closer and closer to mine.

It was a struggle for me not to close my eyes but the thought of Draco being with Pansy made this wrong. Draco already had a girlfriend and I was not dumb not to figure out that his girlfriend was not me.

I pushed Draco away before I stood up and grabbed my clothes from where I left them. Without looking back, I rushed out of the Prefect's bathroom.

*End of Flashback*

What if Draco and Pansy were not together? I could not help but wonder what could have had happened during that night if that was the case.

Would I have kissed the Slytherin Prince?

"We're down to the last subject but you're still spacing out," this time, Mable was the one who pointed it out. Sapphire, Mable, and I were on our way to the forest where Hagrid was.

"Don't mind me," I shrugged.

"Since you are all here, I will get straight to the point so that you will have time to bond with your partners,"

One-by-one, Hagrid called pairs of who were going to be partnered up for the project. With the world hating me, I was not surprised when I got partnered up with Draco again.

"Hey," Draco greeted with a smile on his face. "About the night in the prefe—"

"Don't," I shushed him. "I've already forgotten all about that,"

Hagrid made us grab an egg for each pair that was stacked in front of him. "Those eggs contain dragons," with the mention of the last word, everybody became excited. I got to admit that I was excited too.

"What are we going to do with these?" Sapphire asked Hagrid.

"You and your partner are going to take care of the egg until it hatches," Hagrid answered. "Make sure that you take good care of it. This means that you need to spend time with your partners even on breaks."

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