Chapter 6

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We planned a date for that Saturday but he had to bail out on it because of some football thing. So we decided he would come over to my place. I wasn't worried about him stealing anything because he was almost as rich as I was.

There was a knock at the door, by now we had been dating for two weeks and everyone in school knew about us. The look on Lexi and Linda's face was to die for, I thought that I would die with how tightly they were hugging me. Even though Luke was sweet at times, he was a selfish ass. He was only ever thinking about himself, it was rare he would do something for me. But I didn't wanna break it off like the last girl. Plus I was getting lots of compliments and other guys looking my direction lately. I felt like the top dog, the hot stuff.

I walked to the door and answered it, I had my hair done up in a ribbon. I don't know why I still always wore my hair up. I know I promised Jasper I would but since he wouldn't talk to me and we hardly saw each other I don't know the point. But I still did it as if that would make him smile and want to talk to me.

"Hey," Luke said smiling at me. He was wearing a jacket to hide from the biting cold of the fall. "Mind if I come in?"

"Of course," I stepped aside and let him in.

"Wow nice place," he said walking around taking our large living room in. "Who's this hottie?" He said picking up a picture that was on my mantel.

"That's my cousin," I said annoyed.

"Oh well, uh, she's nice, but your better." He said as if it were a question.

"Yeah. Do you wanna go watch the movie now?"

"Yeah I think that would be best." He set down the picture and followed me to the auditorium.

We sat down and the butler started the movie. It was some romantic comedy called "The Ugly Truth", but Luke didn't seem very amused with it. "Okay, What's up, you're the one picked this movie."

"Because I thought you would like it but I didn't realize how lame it would be." I rolled my eyes slightly. "I know something we could so that's a little more interesting."

"A little?"

"Okay maybe a lot." There was a big grin on his face as he moved closer to me.

"And what would that be?"

"Let me show you." He gently placed his hand on the back of my head and pulled me in. I closed my eyes and let him take me. I felt his lips press against mine, even though it was something I dreamed about for a long time there was no spark, it just felt really good to do. He inched his body closer and closer to me. I felt him take off his jacket then pull my ribbon out of my hair. I looped my arms around his neck. He moved his other hand to the small of my back and pressed my body against his. We were connected in one ongoing adult kiss. I could feel his tongue collide with mine and inch more and more into my mouth. He started pulling my hair gentle, sending a sensation down my spine.

"Mm," I moan as his hands moved down my sides. I started to breath heavier and my body was getting very hot. There was the sound of a plate breaking nearby that startled me. I jumped and looked in the doorway. Standing there, looking down at the ground so I couldn't see his eyes, was Jasper.

"Sorry I interrupted, I was just a little startled to see some guys tongue down my sister's throat in our television room."

"Jasper..." I whispered. A maid came and picked up the broken pieces of the cup.

"Well she's pretty good at it," Luke smirked.

"Luke!" I yelped, this is the last thing I wanted Jasper to see.

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