Chapter 14

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That night I heard the piano playing in the music room below my room. The notes were being spun beautifully, one falling into the next. It was a symphony I had heard many times being played but never so lovely. I got out of bed and walked down stairs to the music room. In the corner of the room I saw the black top piano, the moonlight illuminated the beautiful instrument. On the bench was a shirtless Jasper his fingers moving swiftly across the keys. For a moment I just looked at him in amazement. His tempo was quick and not a single note was missed. We had both been taking piano lessons but not this advanced. He was a natural.

I walked up and sat beside him on the bench. I started playing with him, he slowed his tempo down to my speed. Our hands touched as they sped across the keys. He stopped playing gradually. I turned to him with a smile still playing the keys. A slim smile lifted the corner of his pale lips. I continued to play but when he didn't join me again, I stopped. His hands grasped mine and I turned to face him. His eyes were clouded dark with lust. My smile started to fade and my breath picked up. He leaned in and kissed me, at first gently but then harder. He held my head in place to keep bringing our lips together. There was the loud ugly sound of my hand hitting the keys. I could feel a smile growing on his face the longer we kissed. He stood up and scooped me into his arms, his smile wide from ear to ear.

As we left the room a maid stood in front of us. My face turned from a bright smile to worry and shock. I looked up at Jasper who was just staring at the maid in disbelief. She looked shocked as she looked back at us. For a few minutes we just stood there unable to speak, then she ran off down the hall. "Jenny wait!" I yelled to her but she didn't listen. I hopped out of Jasper's arms after her.

He grabbed my arms stopping me, "There's nothing you could say or do to make her keep her mouth shut." Jasper said sternly.

"What are we gonna do Jasper!" I yelled running my fingers back through my hair like I often did when I was panicking.

"Calm down, calm down. We'll figure this out. We knew it would come eventually didn't we." He put his hands on my shoulders trying to calm me down. I nodded taking deep breaths.

"M-Maybe it would be better if we just bro-"

"Don't you say it!" I looked at him in shock. He just yelled at me, he sounded so angry. He was looking at the ground with his fists clenched tight. "Don't you dare, even for a moment, think that!" He looked up at me, his eyes in a boiling rage but his face remained calm. This was one side of Jasper I hadn't seen since the wedding. It crushed my heart to see him like this. "Do you really think it would be "better" for this to end, to just give up!" I shook my head, I was too scared to speak. I felt like a child being lectured by my parent. He ran his fingers back through his hair looking around the empty halls. I kept my eyes to the ground trying to avoid eye contact with him. Suddenly I was embraced, "I promised I would never let you leave didn't I, and I promised I wouldn't ever leave you again right?" I nodded, wiping my eyes dry as he held me. "Then I won't, come on let's go to bed." He took my hand and led me back to his room.

We laid down and sleep slowly took control as I lay there curled close to him. I always felt so safe in his arms, like nothing could hurt me, then morning came.

I woke up, I felt like all the problems I had felt last night had dissipated and fled from my mind. Maybe it was just seeing Jasper's sweet sleeping face next to me in his bed that distracted me from the crazy world that was all around me. I shifted my body to sit on his stomach and rested my head on his chest, my legs on either side of his body. I felt him wrap his arms around me and let out a yawn. "Morning," he mumbled. His voice drawn out and tired.

I looked up at him, his eyes were still closed and from what I could tell he was still mentally asleep like he was on autopilot. "Morning," I leaned up and kissed him. He smiled but still didn't open his eyes. At that moment I took it upon myself to get him as awake as possible as fast as possible. I kissed him again this time deeper, flicking my tongue on his front teeth. I felt his grip around me tighten, his body flinched and muscles tensed up.

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