13. Missing You

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Liam's POV

Niall and Zayn had been gone a few days now and Harry was starting to get even more worried. Uncle Si told that there was nothing to worry about, but I guess Harry just couldn't help it. Louis and me on the other hand, we were just awkward. I didn't know what to say around him, I mean I'm not gay and then he comes and tells that he has a crush on me. 

"I'm sorry, you know." I heard a quiet whisper, which interrupted my thoughts. I turned my head and saw Louis looking at me under his lashes. I shook my head and cleared my throat. "I didn't mean to just  tell you like that and I was drunk and I wasn't thinking clearly, even what I said was true but I don't expect you to say anything, so please just let's forget this and never talk about this again, because I can get over it and then it won't be awkward. I just want everything to go back the way they were." He continued rambling while I stared at him like he was a maniac. 

"Lou, calm down. Take a deep breath." He did that and I smiled a little. "It's fine, you know. It'll take time, but everything will be back normal. Let's just forget it." I said and didn't miss the disappointed look in his eyes. 

"Should we go look for Harry? He's pretty messed up about the whole situation and the fact that we have a tour coming, doesn't help at all." Louis asked and I nodded taking my hoodie with me. We walked up to their door and knocked. The door revealed one very pissed looking Jade. 

"Would you do something to him? He's been quiet a few days now and doesn't even notice me! Just because of Zayn. What is so great about Zayn anyway?" She whined and I shook my head, rolling my eyes at that. 

"He has every right to be worried. Zayn and Niall are basically our brothers." Louis said and walked in, pushing Jade's shoulder a little bit. I smiled kindly and walked after Louis. Harry was sitting at the couch with a phone in his hand, he seemed to be waiting for Zayn to call him.

"That bastard! Why doesn't he call us, Louis? What did I do so wrong that I made him leave?" Harry asked desperately and Louis pulled him in a hug, rocking him back and forth. 

"Haz, you didn't do anything wrong. He just needs time, you know." Louis said quietly and I sit next to them on the couch. Jade walked up to us and pulled Harry away from Louis.

"What is it that all of you try to take Harry away from me? He's mine!" Jade shouted, but after she realized what she had said, she smiled sheepishly.

"Haha, I got you there. It was just a joke." She laughed nervously as Harry looked at her annoyed. 

"Was you being  pregnant a joke as well?" Louis asked and I could see him biting his inner cheek. He always did that when he was pissed. I smiled by myself. 

"You being a what? What are you talking about, Boo? She can't be pregnant." Harry said looking between Louis and Jade. Jade had that bitchy expression on her face.

"I don't know what you are talking about, Boo." 

"Zayn told me that you said you're pregnant." Louis said and Harry's eyes widened dramatically. 

"Please, tell me what the hell is going on!" He shouted and Jade took a step back. She seemed guilty and let me tell you, she totally deserves to feel guilty. 

"I-I might have mentioned to Zayn that I'm pregnant. It was just a joke." Jade stuttered and I glanced over to Louis, who looked sad. He walked over to Harry, but Harry already looked furious and he pushed Louis back. Louis lost his stepping and fell to the ground, whimpering quietly.

"Everyone leave me the fuck alone! I don't wanna hear anything from you or you!" He pointed me and Louis, who was still on the floor. "Nor especially from you." He said with venom in his voice as he pointed Jade, before leaving the room and slamming the door shut. 

"Lou, you okay?" I asked quietly, still quite shocked what happened. He nodded looking sad and I can understand why. He and Harry have always been best friends and nothing like this has never happened before.

"It's fine. I'm good." He mumbled before standing up wincing a little. I turned to look at Jade who looked at us with a disgusting look on her face. 

"Are you all just a punch of fags?!" She screamed before stomping off from the room. I felt hands sneaking around my waist and I froze. 


"I'm scared, LiLi." He whispered against my back. I relaxed a little and let out a quiet sigh. "What if we're gonna break up? And everyone goes in different directions and we're never gonna see again."  He whimpered and I turned around hugging him tightly.

"Don't even think about things like that, Louis William Tomlinson. We're not gonna break up, because things are going to be fine." I said and Louis now nodded against my chest. I saw him blushing and chuckled, kissing the top of his head.

"Let's get you to the bed, 'kay?" He nodded and I scooped him in my arms. I know, that's really gay and Louis didn't forget to mention about it. He looked at me wide eyed.

"What are you doing, Liam? You know this is super gay, right?" He asked and I nodded smirking. I opened our door and walked Louis over to bed, laying him down.

"There's nothing wrong with little gayness. Move a little, will ya." I said and he rolled to the other side of the bed. I gently laid next to him. 

"We don't have to forget it all. I just need time to think." I said quietly after awhile and Louis quickly turned to look at me.

"Are you serious? But just while ago you were-..." 

"I know, I just needed a little time and I still do. Is that okay?" I asked and he nodded eagerly. I smiled and he nuzzled closer to me, so I could wrap my arms around him. 

"Let's give Harry some time and then go find him." 

"Sure thing." 

Harry's POV

I felt guilty for pushing Louis like that, but I wanted to be alone. I mean, Jade being pregnant? What the hell is that about? We haven't even had sex, so she was clearly lying or cheating. I groaned as I walked outside trying to clear my head. I wanted everything to be back to normal; Zayn and Niall being here, Jade not being jealous all the time and me not having feelings for Zayn. It was so complicated that I wanted it to stop. 

"Damn." My phone started ringing and I dropped it, almost getting a heart attack.

"What?" I grumbled without looking at the caller. I heard a quiet sniff.

"Ha-Harry... Please come quickly, Zayn needs you." Niall said in the phone with a heart breaking voice and sobbing quietly after that.

My world stopped. 

Author's Note: Heya, cupcakes!! So this chapter was from Liam's and Harry's point of views and   a little Lilo in the side, as you could see. Umm, next chapter will be from Niall's Pov mostly, before the phone call and a little after the phone call probably, we'll see lots of Zayn and some Drew as well. I'm sorry for the shortness of this chapter and sorry about the mistakes as well~ 

Thank you all for you reviews, they make me soo happppyyy! I love you guys and I hope you love the story~ Oh, and this story is also posted in my tumblr, so yeah. I don't know why I told that, but anyway. Love ya all! <3


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