17. Should We Try This Out?

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Harry's POV

"...But most of all, I feel full when I'm close to you." My jaw was dropped on the floor. As I glanced the others they looked... Proud? Expect Jade, who was practically as shocked as I was. 

"Zayn, I don-..." I started but he shook his head smiling slightly.

"I know, maybe I should have told you earlier or maybe not at all, but I said it anyway. I'm sorry, but I can't really get rid of my feelings for you even when I tried." He mumbled looking embarrassed. He rolled his way back to the room as the others turned to look at me expectantly. I was confused. What in the hell was I supposed to do now.

"Go after him, silly. We know you want to." Jade said surprisingly. She smiled sadly and kissed my cheek before following the others to the waiting room. Drew stayed behind. 

"If you hurt him, you'll answer to me." He said quietly. I looked at him sassily, playful smile on my lips.

"I don't even know you, Chadwick." 

"That'll make it easier to kick your ass." He grinned and I shook my head, mumbling something along 'over-confident bastard'. "But I mean it, Harry. He loves you. Like he's totally in love with you. Not like friendly way, you know. Like I-Want-Your-Cock-In-My-Ass -way, yeah?" He continued happily, with straight face. I looked at him a while with my eyebrows close to my hairline.

"Yeah... This conversation is over. I will never ever speak about my problems with you, ever! I want your cock in my ass? For God's sake..." I made my way in to Zayn's room and left Drew chuckling on his own. I knocked Zayn's door and didn't hear anything. Don't tell me...

"Zayn! Open the fucking door!" I shouted and still nothing. If he seriously...- "Zayn!" I banged the door with my fists and finally kicked it. Ninja style. It didn't bulge. Kinda embarrassing, actually. I kicked it again and this time I got it open just to reveal half-naked Zayn rolling from bathroom. 

"What the..-? Was that really necessary, Harry?" He asked looking kinda shocked. "And what in the hell are you doing here?" He yawned cutely. 

"But I.. I thought..." I began and he raised his eyebrow. 

"What? That I was going to kill myself?" He snorted. After seeing my serious face, he coughed. "Wait! For real? You thought I was going to kill myself? Why would I do that?!" He yelled frantically and I just knelt down in front of him and pulled him in to a hug. 

"God, you're so stupid sometimes," I mumbled in the crook of his neck. He smelled so fresh I didn't want to move away. He ran his fingers through my hair and fisted my curls in to his hand. Total turn-on, I'd say. 

"I'm so sorry, for telling about my feelings, Haz. Let's just forget it, yeah? We can totally act like I didn't say it, I promise!" He sounded worried. I slapped his head, with a tight smile on me face.

"You should have told me earlier, instead of just leaving with Niall! We were so worried about you guys! And we could have dealt with about your feelings, you know. You don't always have to keep things to yourself." I said while Zayn rubbed his head.

"How exactly were you going to deal with my feelings? You just pushed me away awhile ago, when I was about to kiss you, because you couldn't do that to Jade. That pretty much settles it, how you were going to deal with it." He mumbled and I was totally forgotten our 'almost-kiss'. 

"Zayn, I'm so sorry about that! I just couldn't-..." I started, but was once again interrupted by Zayn. 

"It's fine. I totally understand, but it doesn't mean I can just forget it. I was actually planning on trying to seduce you somehow, but that kinda seems a little pathetic now that I'm in wheelchair. But I guess I can still try." He said smiling his wicked smile and biting his lip. Oh my Gosh! He already started it?!

"Yeah, you do that lover-boy, while I try to get things right here. Let's just say that we all know I have some kind of feelings for you, I just need time to think." I said and Zayn eyes widened tragically. 

"You have feelings for me? Then I have no choice that try to seduce you. I will apologize Jade later." He rambled and I chuckled leaning on kissing his cheek as he turned his face and my lips were against his. I could feel him grinning against my lips. I pulled away and made my way to the door.

"I'll get you back for that!" I shouted before closing the door with a smirk on my face. 

"Looking forward to it!" I heard a quiet shout from Zayn. For the love of God, that boy's gonna be death of me.

A/N: I know this is short and sucky! I try to write better in next chapter. There will be seducing, hard-on's humor in next chapter, hopefully! I hope you all are looking forward to it. :) Remember to read my new story 'Beautifully Unstable' and I'll be starting to dedicate a chapter to my wonderful readers again in next chapter~

I really hope for more comments and votes for you guys, but I'm extremely thankful of all comment and votes so far! So love you, my cookies and remember to PM me, if you have anything to ask or ideas how you want this story to go on! 

Sorry for all the mistakes! I tried to write this quite fast since it's been so long since my last update! There will be an update of Beautifully Unstable soon! Go read it! Go, go!  I'll give you cookies! <3 ;) *COOKIE*

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