16. I Feel Disappointed

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Harry's POV

As I leaned in feeling Zayn's hot breath against my lips, I pushed him a back a little. He opened his eyes and I could see the hurt in them.

"I'm sorry, I can't- I can't do this to her." I said quietly and Zayn brushed his hand through his hair, smiling embarrassed. 

"I know. You don't have to be sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I'm so sorry." He said and I opened my mouth to protest but he just shushed me. Drew walked trough the door and patted Zayn awkwardly on the shoulder like he knew something just almost happened.

"You ready?" He asked and Zayn nodded, blushing cutely. I shook my head to my thoughts and cleared my throat.

"Ready for what?" 

"Bath...? The doctors usually do it, but since I'm such an awesome person, I volunteered and Zayn said he would feel more comfortable me doing it." Drew explained and I was beyond pissed. Zayn just let the guy who he just met, bath him?! What the hell? 

"Um, I could do it." I said, before I could stop myself. Zayn seemed to panic. 

"No need to. You should go look for Jade, she seemed quite down, since I'm trying to steal you away from her." He said with a unreadable expression and I nodded slowly, feeling disappointed. I glared Drew before walking out of the room.

Zayn's POV

After Harry was out of the room I groaned and bit my lip so hard I could taste the blood. 

"I'm such a fucking freak." I mumbled, trying to process everything I just did. Drew looked at me with a wicked smirk on his face.

"Did I interrupt something? Were you finally trying to make your way in to his pants?" I looked at him shocked. What the...? 

"I don't really understand what you are talking about, Drew." 

"Louis told me everything about your little crush on Harry." Louis is officially dead after this.

"What the hell? I don't even know you that well and here you are asking if I made my way in to Harry's pants!" I yelled feeling extremely embarrassed.

"Well you let me bath you." 

"Touché." He lifted me to the wheelchair and rolled me to the bathroom. I don't know why I felt comfortable him bathing me, I guess it was the fact he was so good to Niall and there was no way I would let completely stranger or one of the boys bath me. 

"Are you gonna do something about the Harry situation?" He asked as he started to peel of my clothes. 

"No, he made it perfectly clear that he doesn't need me. He got Jade and I respect their relationship," I mumbled and tried not to let my embarrassment show while he saw me naked. 

"You really should gain more weight, Zayn. Jesus, look at you. Why are you doing this to yourself?" He practically shouted and I bit my lip as he rolled me in front of the mirror. I looked myself disgusted. 

"You are joking, right? Look how much I have fat on my sides and stomach! Maybe Harry would even look at me, if I was as skinny as Jade is..." I trailed of feeling vulnerable under Drew's gaze. 

"If you don't start gaining more weight, I have to tell somebody about this. Your ribs are showing for God's sake, Zayn, you can't get more skinnier than that! It's not healthy." 

"Easy to you to say, mister Perfect Body. Let's just get this over with, yeah?" I asked and he looked at me with worry in his eyes, before rolling me under the already running shower.

"Oh my gosh! That's freezing!" I tried to roll of off the shower and heard him chuckling. "Well, aren't you just an angel?"

"Oops, sorry, sorry! My bad, I was distracted." I shook my head while Drew turned the water hotter. He started to wash my hair and other parts of my body, even I could perfectly well wash my own damn hair. 

"Okay, you're all done, Sweet Cheeks!" Drew said after he had dried and clothed me. I rolled my eyes.

"Sweet Cheeks? You should save the names for Niall, don't you think?" I said grinning. He shrugged and flashed a crooked smile.

"Oh, Niall loves you! He doesn't mind." I laughed quietly.

"Could you roll me out of the room a bit? It's starting to get boring to sit on the bed all the time," I asked with puppy eyes and he looked at me skeptically awhile and opened the door rolling me off of my lame room. 

"Zayn! Vas Happenin'?!" The boys came running to us. Harry and Jade came walking behind them. I tried to avoid looking Harry in the eyes. 

"Hi guys! Just came from shower, all fresh and clean," I smirked and Louis smiled slapping my shoulder gently. 

"Good to have you back, Zaynie!" He said looking relieved. I looked between him and Liam, groaning loudly. All the boys looked alarmed, I guess thinking I was hurt. 

"Are you guys still not together?! Come on, Li! Can't you see he is totally in love with you? What's wrong with you two?!" I shouted dramatically and sighed, "Drew, kick their asses please!" I said grinning, glancing at Drew who had his arms around Niall's waist protectively. They looked cute, have to admit that. Niall was smiling ear to ear, pressing his back against Drew's chest. 

"Actually, Zayn. We're trying this out," Liam said with a small smile and linked his hand together with Louis'. They all looked so happy together and I smiled. 

"Way to make a guy feel like a seventh wheel," I said and instantly regretted it, as everyone's expressions changed to guilty. "God, I was just joking! I'm all happy by myself, thank you very much." I smiled happily, even I hated when they all still had guilty looks on their faces. 

"Please talk to us, Zayn. Just.. Please." Harry's voice came behind the others. I snorted, looking at him this time in the eye. 

"What do you want to hear? How I feel? Is that it?" I asked and he nodded eagerly, looking kind of worried. 

"First of all, I feel hurt that for a second, you let me think you felt something for me. I feel torn because I don't even know you anymore. I feel broken for that you gave up so easily. I feel exhausted that you can't even see me. And I feel disappointed that I let myself fall in love with you.

But most of all, I feel full when I'm close to you." 

A/N: I know... I'm super freakin' sorry, my loves! I've been gone so long and seriously I have been just lazy again, wanted to start my school without much of a computer and then there was that trip to London and all that other cr*p. ;) But now the chapter is there and this time I really promise to update more often. I don't think there's lots of chapter coming anyways, but I have a new story coming up hopefully soon~ 'ts gonna be Zourry/Niam one, so please tell me what you think of these pairings! I had the idea, while I was in London, so I can't wait to start writing it.

I'm not too happy about this chapter, but I haven't wrote in a long time, so I promise it will get better! ;) And if you prefer to get a sequel to this story, I would really like to know! <3 

Thank you, loves for staying with lazy-me! 

(And if there's other Union J-fans, please, please come from the shadows! ;))

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