Plans for change

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Camila was rushing towards the court house, taking the steps two at a time. A briefcase hung from her left arm as it was holding tight to a to-go coffee cup. Her right hand fed her a half eaten banana, which she munched gratefully. She was running late because her best friend Dinah had gone on and on about her tragic date from the night before.

After losing track of the time from laughing so hard, she actually had to redo her make up from the unexpected tears that swam her eyes.

Cursing her best friend for her untimely comedy hour and making her late for her annual meeting with the police department.

Being a social worker, Camila and her department met annually with the officers in their precinct, and coordinated their cases, making sure they went over procedures to make their lives as easy and safe as possible. This meeting, Camila would be introducing something new, and she was a little nervous on how it would be recieved.

She entered the court house, throwing her finished banana in a nearby trash can, and swallowed hastily as she took a sip of her coffee to wash down her hurried breakfast, carefully navigating her way through the sea of lawyers, she made her way to the conference room that the meeting was being held in. The rapid clicking of her heels was heard echoing the marble floors, as she jogged down the halls, making many stop and peer at the beautiful woman who ignored everything but making it to her destination.

Clicking her way towards the old double doors and opening them quickly, she entered the room filled with seated police officers and social service workers looking at her with amused expressions on their faces. There was a podium where her boss was standing, looking at her with a look of relief and motioned her forward.

Turning to the room she said,"And now I give you our best social worker, Camila Cabello. She will be the representative for our department this morning, and has something interesting to present to us."

Camila approached the podium and gave her best friend a small smile of apology whispering,"Thanks. Sorry Ally."

The short Latina that was not only her boss, but also a close friend, shook her head amused and whispered,"No biggie."

Turning towards the room full of people, Camila saw many familiar faces, and surprisingly a few new faces, which definitely pleased her, since this meeting was optional.

Taking a deep breath, she started to speak, and suddenly the nerves that had been bubbling inside of her calmed, and she felt grounded.

"The world is a scary place. Officers, and members of social services, are the key in making this scary world something people can wake up and be grateful for. Officers risk their lives everyday, and help keep the streets safe. That is your job, and despite the fact that the streets get more dangerous every day, you all do your best to keep them from spinning out of control. You all don't get the credit you deserve, but to those who know the truth about how ugly this world can be, we appreciate you. Because without you there would be no order. And when there's a lack of order, there will always be chaos, and we all have seen what that can do." Camila started, smiling at the officers in the room. Her gaze locked on a figure leaning against the wall in the back, and after taking a appreciative look towards the raven haired woman in a fitted suit giving her a small amused smile, she returned her attention to the seated audience.

"When things beyond your control happen, is when our department gets involved. We help the survivors of the horrific, the abused and the innocent unable to defend themselves. By working together, we help make sure the lives you save are not in vain. Every child you save, we make sure finds a home they deserve. Every abusive relative you save them from, we make sure they are never allowed to abuse again. We do our best to try and save them, so they don't let the horrors of their past stop them from living a long healthy life. We can only do this if we work together. So that starts now. I have developed a device that will help all our foster children feel a type of safety that we've never been able to offer before." Camila continued smiling, as she opened her brief case and pulled out a medium sized bag.

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