Rub downs and words of wisdom

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Camila went to bed alone, and woke up in a tangle of arms and legs sweating from body heat she didn't know she had. Blinking her eyes as she took in her semi lit room, she looked at her alarm clock that read 5:30 am.

Groaning for a second, she quickly froze realizing there was two other heartbeats in bed with her.

Looking around her, she found Stacy and Ericka sleeping faces pressed against her sides. She closed her eyes for a moment, and realized her foster kids had come to her in the night seeking comfort. It warmed her heart and made her smile to know for a moment her dreams were a reality. Sure it wasn't the family she envisioned snuggling up beside her, but she was content enough to imagine it was.

Knowing she need to get up and start her day, she carefully disentangled herself from the teens, and crawled slowly out of the bed.

Fifteen minutes later, Camila walked out of her bathroom, wearing a relaxed smile on her face and a robe as she let her hair air dry until she was ready to fix it.

Walking into her walk in closet, she chose a suit that matched her mood for the day. Feeling oddly sexy even with her gauze wrapped arm, she chose a black colored Chanel suit shirt, with dark brown heels, and a black skirt that reached above her knees. Once she put her skirt on, she walked back into her bathroom, and proceeded to straighten and then curl her hair, while reapplying make up to her face and neck.

After checking to see that her bruises were well hidden, she placed tasteful hoops in her ears. Slipping her hated and heavy bullet proof vest on, she covered it with a cream colored silk shirt that she buttoned high enough to hide her cleavage and vest but enough that it wasn't strangling her. She walked out of her bathroom with her black suit jacket on her arm, she crept towards the teens, giving them a loving kiss on their foreheads, before slipping on her jacket, and scooping up her biefcase as she exited her room.

She was completely unaware of Stacy's smile as the door slipped close.


Walking into the Kitchen, she was met with a already cooking Jenny and Clara, along with other mothers getting ready for the day.

"Hello all." sang Camila not noticing a exhausted Lauren sitting a the table looking at her legs as if they were a meal and she was a starving woman. But Clara noticed, and it made her smirk to herself.

"Hello dear." Clara sang back kissing Camila's cheek making the woman blush bashfully.

No matter how many times Clara did it, Camila was mush at her motherly touches.

Walking over to the coffee pot, Camila thanked Jenny for handing her a thermos for her coffee, and eagerly poured herself her morning fix.

"Jenny before I forget, I was wondering if you wanted to start interviewing for a cook, or more girls for housekeeping. We all work and the place is huge, its too much work, and I know you have the grand kids in the afternoon." Camila asked the head maid with a smile before eagerly grabbing a freshly baked muffin and biting into it with a vengeance.

Moaning at the taste, she was completely oblivious to Lauren gaping at her as she enjoyed her delicious breakfast morsel.

Clara and Jenny who had been watching Lauren's reaction with a snicker, laughed loudly, snapping Lauren out of her daze of gawking at Camila. Camila turned to the two woman confused at what they were laughing about, shrugged and continued to eat her banana muffin and waited for Jenny's answer.

"That would be wonderful, I can interview whoever you send my way." Jenny suggested smiling.

"I'll have security look for any foster kids turning eighteen who are about to be excused from their homes, and see if they want to have a day or night job. You know the requirements." Camila said with a mouthful of muffin.

World of possibilities (Camren G!P)Where stories live. Discover now