Pushing too hard

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Burying a sister was something Lauren never invisioned doing.

But then again who does?

Growing up to be an adult, Lauren assumed some day in the future she would eventually have to bury one of her parents. It wasn't something she worried about often, but as time went on and the years passed, she knew the day would come eventually, hopefully in the far distant future.

But siblings was never considered. When remembering the games played in the local park as children, or the way gossiping with her sister over crushes and distant dreams in their teens had been so life altering at that age, Lauren never in her almost thirty years, considered she would be standing at her sisters grave, watching her casket get lowered into the ground.

Lauren had given herself two days to help her family with the arrangements, before having the funeral. It was a struggle to move around so much due to her injuries, and the soreness in her legs, but for Ariana, Lauren would have done anything.

Standing next to Ariana and Sean's casket was like allowing a gaping hole in her chest to be exposed, and was only conceivable, because of the twelve year old girl crying softy next to her, holding her hand tightly for a sense stability.

The morning had been difficult for both them, and the other members of the Jauregui family. Despite the name Grande, they were burying one of their own that day, and it left them all vulnerable.

But that's not what Camila saw.

Camila stood next to Stacy near the Jauregui's, surrounded by friends and fellow officers, and saw a mix of emotions that could, when pressed, was asking for a explosive reaction.

While the Jauregui's, Ericka and their personal friends wept and grieved, the officers facial expressions were hard, sad, but above all... Angry.

It was the prominent expression on Lauren's face as she threw her arm over her niece, holding her as she cried, that made Camila shiver.

Lauren stood in her police uniform, leaning on the cane in her left hand, as her right arm encased her sister's daughter, and rage was prominent in every sharp look the detective gave. She glared at the casket, as if trying to understand why it wasn't her instead.

Camila could just read the guilt in Lauren's face and knew it was fueling the rage.

She was silently thankful that Lauren's injuries would take a little more time to heal, before the detective started tearing up the city looking for the men responsible for the hit on Ariana and her family. It would give Lauren time to clear her mind before diving in and risking her life in a quest for revenge.

Ericka didn't need revenge right now, she needed Lauren.

Alive and in one piece.

As the casket hit the ground, Camila silently promised Ariana and Sean, that she would make sure Lauren never lost sight of what was important. She may not have been a friend long, but Camila never turned her back on the innocent, and throughout this whole affair, that innocent was Ericka.

Once the ceremony was completely over, the crowds paid their respects, and slowly made their way home, most to the mansion Camila would be soon returning to.

Camila and Stacy gave the Jauregui's their privacy as they said goodbye, and walked over to the limo that had brought them. They leaned against it, watching the Jauregui's pay their last respects.

"Is Lauren and Ericka gonna be okay?" Stacy asked worried, looking up at Camila.

Camila was quiet for a moment, trying to answer the question honestly and as accurate as she could.

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