Plans and plots of revenge

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"I can not believe you freaking carried me over your shoulder like a caveman! If I didn't have a headache right now I'd kick your ass!" Ranted Camila pacing the hospital room angrily, ignoring a snickering Sofie and a frowning Lauren.

"I wouldn't have had to if you had gone straight to the hospital when the crash happened, like any SANE person would." Lauren stated, snidely.

Camila stopped pacing to glare at Lauren, her right eye twitching as she grit her teath in frustration.

Sofie who knew that Camila was about to explode, decided to step between the two woman and sooth their nerves.

"Mila, Lauren is just worried about you. She was and is still scared, and if having a doctor look you over to say your okay will make it go away, then don't you care about her enough to just sit through a CT scan?" Lectured Sofie, giving her sister a pointed look.

She was victorious when she saw her sister's shoulders sag after looking at the honest to God worry on Lauren's face.

Sighing, Camila walked towards the fidgeting Lauren sitting in the vistitors chair, and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek.

"I'm sorry for being difficult. Hospitals are just not my thing. I'll try to be less of a bitch." Camila whispered softly.

Lauren nodded, her eyes glossing over as she croaked, "You really scared me Camz. I didn't even let my boss finish telling me before running to see if you were really okay. I've only been that scared once, and that's when I felt the bullets enter my body."

Camila ran her hand gently over Lauren's cheek, flooded with guilt at not being considerate of Lauren's feelings. Dispite what she assumed, she could now tell Lauren genuinely cared for her as more than a casual sex friend, and that thought alone made butterflies flutter in her chest.

"I'm taking some time off okay? I'll work more at the center, and focus some time with the girls. I'm sorry for not thinking about this rationally." Camila soothed quietly.

Lauren breathed in a sigh of relief, and nodded with a small smile.

"You guys are so freaking adorable! Serious, so many feels right now!" Cooed Sofie grinning.

Both woman ducked their heads blushing as they muttered,"shut up".

There was a knock on the door signalling it was time for Camila's scan.

Instead of groaning like she wanted to, she gave Lauren a soft smile, and did what she had to, to assure her lover.


"I can walk Lauren it's only a small concussion!" exclaimed Camila tiredly as Lauren carried her out of the elevator.

She was embarrassed already by the worry everyone was doing down stairs. They hadn't made it a foot in the door, before worried teens and other members of the household were anxiously awaiting news of her health. She quickly assured them it was only a small concussion, to which Lauren snorted, making her scowl while shooting her sheepish lover a glare.

They both spent ten minutes assuring everyone, until Clara demanded Lauren take her to her room for rest, promising to bring up soup and crackers.

Hence why Lauren, who had been hovering over her the most, refused to let her walk and proceeded to carry her up to her room.

"I know you can walk, but why should you have to when I'm more than willing to carry you." Replied Lauren cheekily.

Camila wanted to glare at her, she truly did, but the green eyes that silently pled to be allowed this small comfort, melted her resolve and kept her silent.

World of possibilities (Camren G!P)Where stories live. Discover now