World Of Possibilities

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Two years later.............

Stacy looked through the crowd at her graduation, still in awe of how far she had come. Her eyes wandered, until she met sparkling brown eyes looking back at her, It made her cheeks flush at the loving pride she saw in them. Giving her mother a wave, she almost didn't hear her name being called.

"Stacy Cabello- Jauregui!" Normani called.

She stepped forward, her family up from their seats and screaming and whopping her as she walked. A small part of her was embarrassed, as is natural, but the majority of her had her eyes pricking with tears as she felt her family's happiness and pride in her.

She took the diploma from Normani shakily, looking into the woman who had been her aunt for the past few years.

Normani grinned, her eyes welling up as she whispered, "You did it kid. Congradulations."

Stacy's eyes welled even more, and she gave her Aunt a whisper of thanks, turning to her family, waving her fake diploma in the air in triumph.

She noticed Sofie had left her seat, and rushed down the center Aisle snapping pictures like the crazy Aunt she was, making her laugh.

She made her way to her class, feeling like a weight she had felt pressing on her for weeks , lift and give her a freeing felling.

When caps had been thrown, she quickly made her way through the crowd of friends she had made, making plans to keep in touch, until she met her family's tearful smiles.

Lauren picked her up, spinning her around as her family cheered as she laughed.

When she was put down, she watched her mother, who would always have that special place in her heart waddle over to her for a hug.

Camila's large belly pressed against her, as she recieved a tight hug from her mother. When she pulled away, her hand fell on her mother's stomach as she said,"Are you okay Mom? There was a lot of walking today. Is brother wanting to sit?

Camila laughed as she wiped the tears from her eyes, giving her a loving smile as she laughed out,"Your brother is starving! I need a trip to Taco Bell stat!"

Stacy giggled, as Lauren shook her head chuckling, kissing her wife on the forehead.

"Well, lets not keep him waiting. We have a party to get to!" Lauren cheered, making her wife grin.

Stacy had been invited to a few parties, but she had declined wanting to spend the day with her family.

They had been planning a party for weeks, and had been very secretive about it. She knew that she didn't have long with them, since she was leaving for California in a couple months. Every second counted to Stacy. Having no family for so long, made her very protective of the time she had with her new one. They were all she had ever wanted, and she cherished them.

She entered the Mansion with her family as camila happily ate her 5 layer burrito with extra cheese, humming happily to herself. She was sent to her room quickly, demanding that she put on her party clothes.

Stacy was in her room, tying her shoes, when there was a knock on her door.

"Come in." Stacy called standing up from her spot on her bed.

Ericka walked through the door, giving her sister a small smile, and Stacy had to blink as her eyes pricked at how much her sister had grown. Ericka was almost fifteen now, and was truly a vision.

Stacy had been a quite the mama bear in recent years, beating boys off as they started to flock to her younger sister, and it pained her that she wasn't going to be around to do that anymore.

World of possibilities (Camren G!P)Where stories live. Discover now