Dreams and endless possibilities

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Camila stepped out of her shower and felt suddenly exhausted from the days events. She unwrapped the plastic from her arm that was protecting it against the water, and carefully dried herself, making sure not to irritate her stitches.

Dressing herself in sleeping shorts that hugged her comfortably, and a thin strapped sleeping shirt, she faced the mirror with a frown.

Her neck had bruises where the bastard had gripped her. After thinking for a few seconds, she opened her vanity mirror and grabbed her foundation, and started to cover up the bruises as best as she could, so she wouldn't worry the girls.

Deciding she had done the best she could, Camila walked out of her bathroom to see the teens huddled in her bed, peeking up at her from beneath the covers, as Lauren and Normani sat back on her sofa looking at her with smirks.

"I thought you guys were showing Stacy the room so she could shower?" said Camila confused.

"I did. She took a shower in like half the time you did, and you were pretty fast." Ericka exclaimed in disbelief.

Camila smiled at Stacy completely understanding.

Walking over to her closet to throw her clothes in a dirty hamper, she said," When you share a bathroom with a ton of kids, its a habit to take a navy shower. I had to force myself to enjoy slower showers, but it took years, and even then, I'm still annoyingly quick."

Turning towards Stacy, she asked,"Whats the highest you've shared a bathroom with?"

Stacy automatically said,"6 girls, two boys."

Camila smirked and said,"Got you beat. 8 boys, and two girls including my sister."

Normani and Ericka gasped as they gaped at them.

"How the heck could they take care of that many kids?" Normani asked in disbelief.

"Most people are in the fostering business to make money. The state gives a certain amount for each kid, so the more kids you have the more money they get. You'd be surprised how many kids can fit in a room when there are hardly any room for placements." Stacy said matter of factily.

Camila nodded her head in disgust and said,"Yup. That's why the left over kids get sent to orphanages, but even they are filled to the brim these days. That's why it never really occurred to me to have kids of my own."

"What do you mean?" asked Normani confused.

Jumping on the bed, and situating herself Indian style, Camila answered her with a smile.

"I always knew I wanted to be a foster mom. I was going to wait a couple more years, so I could devote more time after filing for early retirement, or at least a mass reduction in the hours I work. Why should I go to a sperm bank, when there are so many kids in need of a loving home. There are kids out there who would give anything to just have one parent that loves them, related to them or not. I have Sofie, who is my blood sister, but she might as well be my daughter. I don't need anyone else. There are kids out there I would love just as much as my own." Camila answered with a smile at Stacy.

"What if you ended up with some one that wanted kids of their own with you?" asked Lauren curiously.

Camila looked at Lauren and smiled at the curiosity in her green eyes.

"To be honest, I'm super picky and as much as I do believe in love, I'm not going to settle for anyone with different dreams than mine. If the person I was with had a problem fostering kids while having some of our own, then their not for me. I wouldn't give up my dream of helping kids, especially with the unlimited resources I have, for someone who couldn't appreciate my dreams for what they are." Camila said honestly.

World of possibilities (Camren G!P)Where stories live. Discover now