Whose The Bitch Now?!

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So far the day had been going fine, except for the part where the teachers insisted they introduce themselves, even Ericka, who many already knew. Thanks to the Media, there were quite a few that knew about Stacy as well.

While some were respectful and gave them condolences for all they lost and had been through, many others mocked them openly.

Ericka was taunted with Orphan, and Stacy a whore for 'allowing' her foster father to have her in disgusting ways. The fact that she was a virgin fell on deaf ears, and the girls were struggling to make it through every class, the whispers and staring starting to take it's toll.

Stacy who had been to the worst and toughest schools in the state had been fed up with these rich brats and was ready to snap. What eventually did make her, it was a wonder how she lasted the day.

Considering the fact that Taylor Swift couldn't help but be a bitch.

Stacy had exasperatedly made her way through the lunch crowd, frustrated at being stared at. Didn't people have more interesting crap to whisper about. Seriously?

Stacy made her way to an empty table in the back, placing her bag and tray of food on the table, she was opening her soda, when she noticed Ericka making her way towards her from the lunch line, talking happily to her friends. It made Stacy smile and thankful for the younger teen to habe this normality after everything that's happened.

Stacy was about to return to her food, when she noticed a group of girls sneering and heading towards Ericka. Getting up, she headed to try to intercept them, but was too late as the blonde bitch flipped Ericka's tray, food flying all over her, covering her clothes and face with spaghetti and jello.

"What's wrong orphan Annie? Weren't you hungry?" Laughed out Tayor with her friends as Ericka started to tear up.

Students started to laugh as Stacy shoved her way through the crowd, shoving Taylor away from Ericka, opening her soda and spraying it all over her as she did.

Taylor shrieked and started shouting,"What the hell bitch! Do you know who I am?!"

"No Bitch. The real question is do I give a shit who you are?" asked Stacy nonchalantly as she stepped in front of Ericka.

"I don't know who you think your talking to but I run this school! I'm the freaking head bitch here!" she shrieked.

"From what I can see you're covered in mountain dew, but semantics." Shrugged Stacy.

Stacy looked into the crowd as a silence fell in the cafeteria. She noticed Normani at the door scowling next to their angered security. She was about to make her way toward them, when Stacy shook her head for her to wait.

"Do you all enjoy everything you have in your life? Education, money, fun? It's all a big joke until it affects you, isn't it? You all come to this school thinking your something special, and some of you will be, others I'll be laughing at on Entertainment Tonight in ten years. All the things you covet now is so great until its gone, and it can be. Any second, everything you think is so amazing can disappear. Companies fail, stocks plummet, politicians turn crooked, and accidents happen. You laugh now, but what would you do if everyone you ever loved suddenly died? If you had no mother or nanny to comfort you? What would you do, if your daddy's money ran out? Huh? Would it be a joke or would shit get real fast? Two wonderful people along with countless others died, so that you could stand here and breathe the air you are. Police officers that are dying everyday so that you can all run around like the pretentious fools you are, and you spit on their memories by bullying one of their daughters. Ericka here, had to listen as disgusting gangs murdered her family, but kept her cool enough to call for help, which help saved lives. What's the bravest thing you've done? Max out your daddy's credit card? You all go to an amazing school, that will push towards greatness if you want it, and you act like animas sand ingrates. Yeah your families should be really proud. But were not like you, we're going to do something with this opportunity and make something of ourselves, and all you sheep who laughed at a girl being ridiculed for losing her parents will embarrassed when this orphans laughs at your failing. Because in my eyes, you've already failed at being human beings. You have to actually have some humanity to be considered one of us." Stacy spat in Taylors face.

More than half of the student who had laughed, had enough decency to at least look embarrassed and ashamed.

"You've practically been a prostitute so don't feel sorry for us!" screamed Taylor back in Stacy's face.

"Stacy's a virgin bitch!" shouted Ericka, who was being held back by some of her friends.

Stacy laughed, shaking her head as Taylor sneered.

"Believe what you want. But know this. You mess with my sister, and I will come down on you hard. We have enough to worry about, than to have to deal with your ignorant ass." Chuckled Stacy as she started to walk away, not seeing Taylor heading straight for Ericka.

Taylor shoved Ericka down, despite her friends pleading for her to stop, and Stacy whipped around just as Ericka hit the floor. Normani was already fighting through the crowd with the security, trying to stop Stacy, but they were far too late.

"I warned you bitch!" Shouted Stacy, tackling Taylor hard onto the hardwood floor.

Stacy punched her, ignoring the slaps from Taylor as she shouting,"Whose head bitch now?!"

When Normani finally got through she had the men grab Stacy as she helped Ericka who was holding her head in pain. Taylor was grabbed by another security guard and teacher.

Normani looked at Stacy, hiding a smile as she turned to Taylor scowling. She almost lost her composure and started laughing when she saw how swollen Taylors face was. Yearbook pictures tomorrow would be interesting.

"My office now!" Normani demanded, almost chocking on her laughter.

Stacy groaned and whispered, "Camila is going to kill me."

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