Deserving Eachother

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Camila woke up with a headache the size of Texas. Clutching her head, her eyes fluttered open as her blurry eyes took in countless faces wearing concerned and fearful expressions

Where was she? What happened? She thought confused, looking around her surroundings. Then she saw that she was in her panic room, and the rest came crashing down on her.

Sofie had been taken....

Oh fuck that.

Getting up quickly, Camila ignored her head ache, adrenaline pumping as she got to her feet.

"Mom... Are you okay?" asked Stacy panicking.

"I'll be fine Stace. I nned to get down there now. Stay with the Jauregui's okay." Camila rushed out giving the teen a kiss on her forehead, doing the same to Ericka as she passed, hurrying out the door. Once she was out of the room in a normal hallway, she took off at a run, straight for the elevator.

She had woken up only a few seconds after Lauren had left the room, and was betting she would hit the first floor only a minute after Lauren did if Lauren took the tunnels.

When she finally reached the first floor, she made her way into the living room, seeing Lauren staring at a woman tied up on the couch with at least nine other men next to her. Swat and FBI surrounded them, and she felt her body hum with rage.

Walking next to Lauren, she noticed that Lauren knew the woman, and she felt only a small amount of guilt for what she was about to do.

Seeing Lauren incapable of doing what needed to be done right now, she walked towards the sitting woman, stopping when she was right in front of her.

Camila looked her up and down, seeing a moderate height brunette glaring back at her defiantly. Tilting her head for a moment, Camila then pulled back before anyone could move and punched her hard in the face.

There was loud gasps and small cheers heard in the room as she Lauren stepped forward to stop her, only to see a fierce glare daring her to try.

The brunette held her face, and Camila could tell she had wanted to cry out, her stubborn nature was the only thing keeping her from doing so.

"Where is my sister?" asked Camila almost eerily calm.

The brunette spit blood at Camila, refusing to answer.

"Please Lucy. Answer her! I don't know why you're doing this to us, but it needs to stop before it's to late! Innocent people have died already, and for what? Some kind of twisted revenge? Where is Sofie Cabello!" Shouted Lauren angrily, almost desperately.

Lucy laughed shaking her head as shouted,"You have 3 hours to Transfer 2 billion dollars into a offshore account, or Sofie Cabello will be a foot note in history by 9 pm today!"

"Okay." Camila replied calmly.

Demi was about to protest, when Camila held up her hand to silence her as she turned her attention back to Lucy almost smiling.

"Now I'm Done being nice. Do you really think that I believe that Luis or Shawn will just hand over my sister after they get paid? I'm no one's idiot. No they will kill her, seeing as they sent one of their own sluts as a sacrificial lamb. Which one is it Lucy is it? Who are you fucking?" asked Camila walking around the room slowly, meeting the eyes of the captured men.

"Shawn?" She asked seeing them calm unmoving.

"Luis?" she asked, and then she saw it..... a twitch as several bodies tensed.

"Ah Luis.... Well I'm sorry to say, that whether my sister survives or not, he will be spending his life in prison. But if my SISTER dies, I can tell you with every sincere bone in my body, I will hunt him for the rest of my life until he is a suffering bag of bones. So as I see it, you have two options, tell me now, and maybe you'll see the light of day before you reach grandma status, or I will take the information from you in a way that will be so painful you will wish you were dead." Camila spat turning back to the woman who glared at her angrily.

"You can''t do anything! I'll sit in jail until someone bails me out. We all will. Besides, Lauren isn't going to let you torture her ex girlfriend. I was her first! And she is way too soft for that!" She taunted at Camila, confused when Camila laughed.

Camila laughed as she waved her hands around almost hysterically towards everyone in the room.

"Your boyfriends gang has murdered their lovers, friends and family! Do you think any of them will look twice if I put a bullet in your head right now? Do you think that Lauren will fucking care, when you've been helping the man the murdered her SISTER?! Your fucking delusional, and I'm going to prove it to you. No one has reported that you are alive. You technically could have all died in this little distraction plan and no one would give a shit. Isn't that right Demi?" asked Camila looking Lucy dead in the eye as she watched her take in Demi's uncaring expression.

"No one would give a shit. You have twenty minutes to change my mind, after that I'm sending a report back that all of you died entering the mansion. Which wouldn't really be a lie now would it?" Demi replied shrugging nonchalantly.

The men started to panic, and Lucy looked to Lauren for help, but only saw no help coming from her ex. She saw disgust and raw rage.

"If you get in between me and the men who murdered Ariana, you're as good as dead Lucy. I loved you once, but nothing compares to love I had for Ariana or Camila. Be smart, because none of us in this room have a ounce of mercy for your boyfriend and those that follow him." Lauren spat, glaring at her harshly.

Lucy scowled yelling,"Of course not. Ariana was always your fucking number one! That bitch is the reason I cheated on you in the first place! She was always there, and as long as she was I would always be yout number two! I gave you everything and I was ALWAYS second best to your precious sister!"

Lauren made a move to strike her, but was denied as Camila reached Lucy the second the words left her mouth screaming,"I don't have time for this shit! Take them away and do what you have to, to tell us what we want to know!"

Gripping Lucy's hair, she dragged her into the kitchen kicking and screaming as she shouted,"Tell me where my sister is before I fucking cut you into pieces bitch!"

Lucy not prepared for how strong Camila would be, noticed Lauren no where in sight and started to really panic. When she saw Camila reach into a drawer and pull out a carving knife, Sofie's location spilled through her lips as she cried out in fear.

Camila froze and then started to loosen her grip on knife as she made absolutely sure she was telling the truth. When she decided that she heard enough, she put the knife down as she snapped to where Lauren was leaning against the door clapping with a grin.

"The knife was a little much but it got the job done. Nice one babe." Lauren chuckled walking toward them and grabbing Lucy by the arm as she started to haul her back into the living room.

Camila laughed, shaking her head as Lucy angrily shouted,"You weren't really going to kill me?"

"We're the good guys remember? But no, if you had held out longer than twenty minutes, Camila really would have killed you. Don't doubt that. We just knew you would give up before it came to that."

Lucy looked at Camila, and gulped when she saw the woman raise her eye brow in challenge.

"You bitch's deserve each other." Lucy spat glaring at them both.

Camila grinned sadistically at her as she said,"We sure do. Now lets go get my sister, there's two boys that are just dying to meet you babe."

Lauren sneered saying,"They're not yet, but they will be.


Authors note: Two more chapters and this shit is done!

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