New experiences

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Shawn released a furious shout, and proceeded to beat the bringer of news, nearly to death.

He was so angry at having been reported that one of his main money  making houses had been raided, that he was quickly losing his grip on the rage that had been getting more dangerous as the months went by.

The whore house had been the second most profitable venture he had, and now he was starting to panic.

The panic he was experiencing was making him desperate, and everyone in the room knew that they would need to tread lightly for a while, so as not to be on the receiving end of his anger.

"Someone is fucking talking, and I want to find out who!!" He shouted, stopping his attack on the bearer of news, and started frantically pacing as he pulled on his hair with his bloody hands.

"You need to calm down Mendez if we want to survive this shit storm." Luis grunted annoyed.

Shawn whipped around, glaring at is partner as if he could flay him alive with his angry eyes.

"Easy for you to say, I'm being attacked by all sides, and it was YOUR  idea that started this fucking war in the first place!" Shawn spat out, kicking the moaning man on the ground.

Luis sighed out in irritation at Shawn, and if he was being honest, a little at himself as well. It had  been his idea after all. He had been hoping that hitting multiple places at once would send the police into a frantic frenzy, leaving him time to make an important delivery.

One that would make him twice as rich and powerful than he already was. Back in the day, the mobs ruled the cities, and he was hoping to bring back that mentality, and soon. But it would only work if that damn Cabello woman disappeared.
She was making Chicago P.D. unstoppable with their unlimited resources.

It was really starting to piss him off.

"What we need is to do away with Cabello. That bitch is the reason all our hard work's gone to shit. That do gooder has fucked us at every turn, and it's starting to really piss me off. Bitch has to go." Luis muttered glaring at his nervous looking men as if their incompetence in killing this woman was their own fault.

"How the fuck are we going to do that? That bitch is guarded better than the president. Her men are all loyal, and we can't afford to pay them as much as she does anyway. We were lucky to buy Mahone when we did, otherwise we wouldn't even have him! We need to plan something that will really tear her up. I want her to be so desperate, she starts making mistakes, because I want a shot at her." Shawn replied, waving for his men to drag the bleeding man away.

They both started running through plans in their head, making his men even more nervous then they were before. Luis suddenly sat up straight, an idea bringing him a sinister smile to his face.

"I've got an idea." He chuckled with a sick grin.

Stacy nervously started packing her back pack full of new supplies, ignoring Ericka's already worried gaze. She was sitting on their bed, watching as Stacy fluttered around the room, in her anxious haze. It would be a lie to say she wasn't worried herself, this was the first time she would be back to school since her parents died, and she was worried about how her peers would treat her, but from how scared her friend was acting, she was starting to replace that fear, with worrying how the day would turn out for Stacy.

After much pleading from Ericka's part, Lauren and Camilla agreed to let both girls attend Ericka's private school, since the security was up to par, also because Lauren and Ericka already knew the lay out in case of an emergency better than anyone else. Ariana was very thorough in that regard.

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