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The days after the Taylor incident, were truly amazing to see. Stacy and Ericka were more than inseperable at school, and thanks to Stacy, untouchable as well. The school now gave them a wide berth, at least the ones that looked down at them in anyway. The ones that were the genuine people Camila was referring to were pretty great.

They befriended quite a few of the girls who were normally shy around others, the ones the populars labeled, geeks and charity cases, and now had a table of at least fifteen to sit with at lunch.

Lauren and Camila were also a team to be reckoned with.

Lauren was busy training her men and going out on raids, while Camila was helping the women in their care get set up with finishing their education and making sure they got the counseling they needed.

The days were full, but they always seemed to make sure the two teens were cared for and loved everyday.

Lauren had been a little worried when she was getting reports every day that more and more foster kids were turning in their handlers. Mainly because she knew Luis and Shawn were probably growing desperate. She was a little confused when Camila started having more and more meeting with her security guards. She then realized that her girlfriend was really paranoid, and that if she was worried, Camila was probably becoming terrified.

So, she helped her mother make some of Camila's favorite food for dinner, telling the two teens of her plans, she surprised her girlfriend with an intimate dinner for two in their room. Lauren was just setting the flowers on the small table she had brought into what was now considered their room, when Camila came in.

"Aww, are you trying to get laid babe? Cuz that's pretty much a sure thing." Camila cooed, walking into the room with a grin on her face.

Lauren laughed, shaking her head.

"I was trying to be romantic.This could be like a good first date since we can't really go anywhere in the city without bullets raining down on us." Sighed Lauren frowning.

Camila gave her a kiss on the cheek, "This is a great first date. It always would have been, wherever we went regardless."

Just as Lauren was about to respond, fireworks a block away lit up the sky, making Camila smile.

"Aww babe, fire works! That's sweet." Cooed Camila smiling.

Her smile started to go away when she saw Lauren's confused expression.

"Their not mine." Lauren replied confused walking out into their open balcony.

Camila felt panic rise inside her, and she grabbed her panic button around her neck pressing it as she rushed towards Lauren screaming,"It's a trap! We're under attack!"

Just as she tackled Lauren away from the open doorway, bullets were spraying the mansion, as shouting and screaming was heard out side.

They both hit the floor rolling away to a safer place in the room.

Camila crawled to her dresser, pressing the security button underneath her night stand. As soon as she pressed it. Steel doors covered the windows, and the balcony doors, as an alarm sounded loudly around the house.

"The Girls!" Shouted Lauren, rushing into her closet and strapping on her bullet proof vest, throwing another to Camila as her girlfriend was loading their guns.

"They know the emergency plan and are probably on their way to the panic room. We are going to check now." Camila said, handing her girlfriend her gun and slapping the wall of their closet to their right.

World of possibilities (Camren G!P)Where stories live. Discover now