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Taylor's parents entered Normani's office, shouting in outrage about the state of Taylors 'perfect' face. Normani did what she could to calm them as they waited for the others, but they were shouting and demanding the two teen's removal at the school.

Taylor smirked as, Ericka and Stacy scowled at her.

Stacy's face was bright red from the few slaps Taylor managed to land, but she ignored the slight stinging by holding a ice pack to Ericka's head, who took to leaning her head on her shoulder in comfort.

Ericka has never had siblings before, and she was flooded with warmth at being called Stacy's sister. If having siblings meant there would always be someone to watch over you and protect you, she could only count herself as grateful and lucky. Very lucky.

Aflurry of commotion happened outside the office, as Zayn burst through the door, sweeping through the room, and padding down anyone in the room that could be a threat in any way. Mr. swift was sputtering in indignation as he was searched, arrogantly batting away any hands that touched him. Once he was cleared with his wife, her radioed his men to allow two furious and anxious women being restrained outside.

Camila rushed in the Office in her business suit heading straight for the girls, followed by a furious Lauren who was decked out in her swat uniform, apparently having been running through drills before she was called down to the school.

Camila saw Stacy's face and grit her teeth in anger, gently running her hand along the reddened skin. Lauren was glaring at the Ice pack she was holding against Ericka's head.

Turning towards Normani, she calmly asked," How did this happen?"

"This happened because this school is allowing degenerates to enter it! My Taylor has never had a problem like this thuggish violence before your brats came here!" Burst out Mr. Swift, before his wife could stop him.

Camila scowled, glaring dangerously as she took a step towards him, Lauren by her side, glaring at him hard.

"Excuse me? We don't know what happened, so I would keep your nasty comments about MY children to yourself." Camila demanded, ignoring his glare as she faced Normani, waiting for an explanation.

Normani pulled out her laptop, pulling up the Cafeteria's camera feed, and watched as the tension in the room rose as they viewed the screen.

Lauren who was shaking in her anger, spat,"You teach your daughter to disrespect the memory of fallen soldiers? Of my Sister? MY SISTER!"

Camila, held onto Laurens arm in warning and comfort, making Lauren calm slightly.

"I don't even know how she learned such disgusting behavior." Whispered Mrs. Swift much to her daughter and husbands shock.

"Mom..." Taylor started only to be cut off with a harsh glare from her mother.

"Honey..." Her husband started, irritation leaking from his voice.

"I think we've heard quite enough from you. To even defend that behavior is disgusting me right now." Mrs. Swift cutting him off, turning to Normani.

"I know the school takes acts of bullying and violence seriously, I'm asking that instead of handling it with suspensions that affect the girls, we find a way to deal with this without all that. I want Taylor punished, but also educated, so this NEVER happens again." She requested calmly, glaring at her daughter.

"I'm open to suggestions." Normani replied smirking at the outraged expression on Mr. Swifts face.

"I have a foster program running right now that deals with plenty of Orphaned kids. Maybe she could volunteer? We could always use more. We also have therapy sessions as groups, maybe Taylor would benefit from hearing stories about kids much more unfortunate than her." Camila suggestion with a beaming smile, gripping onto Lauren tightly, in fear of Laughing out loud.

"I love that Idea. I'd say Taylor has earned herself her Saturdays for the rest of the year with you." Mrs. Swift agreed happily.

"A year are you seriously!? That's harsh!" burst out Taylor.

Heads whipped towards the teen, making her flinch.

"No sweet heart. Harsh is mocking a girl who just lost her family. Harsh is disrespecting a woman who was wonderful, that I met at a function a year ago. A woman who gave her time, blood, sweat and tears into this city making it safe for you to walk down the street. That's harsh. Maybe a year of your life will change the brat you are becoming, because if not, then I will personally enroll you in public school, and you can see first hand how lucky you have it. Not all kids would have tried to talk to you before attacking you. Many would have given you a lot more than a swollen face. The punishment will stand, and if I were you I'd be grateful it wasn't for the rest of your high school career." Mrs. Swift responded, lifting her purse, and facing Ericka who she had recognized once the video had played.

"Your mother was a wonderful woman, sweetie. And I'm terribly sorry for your loss. She will be missed, especially by those unlucky enough not to have truly known her. She was one hell of a woman." She told Ericka quietly.

Ericka, who had tears brimming her eyes, nodded, whispering, "Thank you."

She paid her respects to Camila and Lauren, and grabbed her husbands hand, along with her daughters arm and marching them through the office door.

Camila turned towards the girls and then looked at her watch with a sigh.

"You lasted 4 and a half hours. We'll I owe Sofie fifty bucks. I really thought you would make it till at least noon." Camila said frowning, bummed having lost a bet to her sister.

"You bet in us Mila? Had you no faith in us?" scoffed Stacy with a wry grin.

Camila matched her grin with a grin of her own as she s replied, " I had all kinds of faith in you girls. I thought you would last at least until after lunch. Sofie bet during lunch. She said Stacy is much calmer than I ever was. I would only make it to like 2nd period at a new school. Well them's the brakes. Since this day is a bust wanna go home? I can have Clara make us feel better cookies?"

"We're not in trouble?" asked Stacy and Ericka suddenly looking worried.

Lauren scoffed with a scowl.

"For what? Defending yourself? Let me tell you something, I broke Fred Nelson's nose for calling your mom a wet back. Ariana broke Stephanie Greene's nose for calling me a freak. Am I upset that you got in trouble on your first day? Yes I am. But not at you. Fuck no. You stuck together and looked out for each other, I'm damn proud. Especially of you Stacy. You were totally holding back." Lauren responded with a smirk.

Stacy and Ericka were gaping at Lauren.

"Did you want us angry?" asked Camila tilting her head confused.

"No, its just. ..It's the first day your like my mom and I beat up a girl on my first day of school. I thought I would get in trouble." Stacy whispered quietly.

Camila walked over to the teens on the small couch, and knelt in front of her, taking her hands.

"Me being in your mom now, does not mean that I will ever give you back if that's what your worried about. Sorry kid, but your mine now. No take backs here. We're a forever kind's thing. No matter what you do. That's a promise." Camila told her firmly.

Stacy wrapped her arms around Camila, hugging her tightly, feeling thankful to finally have a mom. Unconditional love was really all any kids ever wants, and now she was one of the lucky ones.

Normani sniffed, wiping her eyes as she said, "Ya'll need to get out. Your messing up my makeup."

The girls laughed, and smiled at each other.

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