Knocking some sense into you

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Camila helped her enter the room right when the last of Lauren was ready to collapse. She was panting heavily when Camila laid her on the bed, and winced as she propped her back up with pillows.

"Do you think you'll be able to take a shower? You reek." Camila asked with a small smile.

"I don't think I could stay standing now that I'm down, and I'm pretty sure you don't want to see me at the moment." Lauren answered with a tired grin.

Camila blushed. Her mind begged to differ, but she pushed that thought back and said,"I help you take a bath, but I'll keep my eyes closed if it helps."

Lauren sighed. She was insecure about her body at the moment, but knew it needed to be done.

"Okay." Whispered Lauren sadly.

Camila took Lauren's hand and said,"Don't worry about how you look Lauren. Your wounds saved my life. I could never think of them as less then beautiful. They helped me see my sister again. Nothing matters to me more than that. But don't worry, I won't look. I respect you enough not to be a peeping Tom."

Lauren nodded, and Camila took that as a sign to help her up.

She helped walk Lauren to the bathroom, and sat her on the toilet. She carefully lifted Lauren's tight work out shirt, leaving her in a sports bra, where only her side wound was showing.

Lauren's ribs were almost showing, and Camila realized why Clara was so worried. Lauren was terribly malnourished, and she really needed food after being fed through a straw for a month.

"I need to take the dirty Gauze off. Is that okay?" asked Camila gently.

Lauren nodded tiredly, and Camila tried to be as gentle as she could, removing the medical tape from her body.

Once she removed the gauze from her side and Lauren's back, she looked at her nervously.

"I'm gonna help you with your pants and then you can use me to brace yourself to do the rest and get in the tub. Is that okay?" asked Camila nervously.

Lauren gulped shakily, and nodded her head quickly, hoping to get this over with. She would have asked her mother, but Clara would be so worried about her wounds and the state of Lauren's body, she wouldn't have given Lauren the privacy she needed. Better a stranger than her mother.

Camila gripped Laurens tight shorts and took them off carefully, leaving her in her boxer briefs.

Ignoring the impressive bulge, Camila turned towards the tub, and started filling it with hot water.

She was grateful for Jenny in that moment for putting in the nonslip tub floor. She wouldn't have to over worry about Lauren slipping.

Once the tub was filled, Camila closed her eyes, and held out her hands for when Lauren needed her.

Lauren quickly and carefully removed her bra and briefs, and shakily grabbed Camila's hand to pull herself up. She accidently pulled too hard, and slightly crashed into Camila, allowing the social worker to get a good feel of Lauren's body, causing both woman to blush.

Lauren panicked thinking Camila had opened her eyes, but was relieved to see her eyes still tightly closed. She noticed Camila's deep blush, and smirked to herself silently smug that she could make the fierce woman flustered.

"Sorry." Lauren whispered grinning.

Clearing her throat, Camila smirked smiling lightly as she replied,"I can hear the pride in your apology Lauren. I agree you have much to be proud of. Now get your well endowed ass in the tub."

World of possibilities (Camren G!P)Where stories live. Discover now