Being worthy of more

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Camila and the group watched as Demi and Selena entered the room, and held their breath as Austin started to speak.

"You gotta tell that bitch to let me go. I was just looking out for the cops and their families. Their lives aren't worth a bunch of kids going now where." Austin reasoned rationally to the two FBI agents.

Demi sighed and said,"Your right about that. Unfortunately Cabello has a lot of weight, so how about you pretend to be properly chastized and walk out of here with us. I don't want you coming back though Austin. I already have to dance around the director not to get you suspended for this, you know he has a soft spot for Cabello."

Austin grunted in understanding, and his posture visibly relaxed as her looked at the two woman hopefully.

"So I'm not in trouble?" asked Austin happily.

Demi snorted and said,"Do you really think we'd take a tree hugger's word instead of yours come on Austin, you should know us better by now. Our parents were agents, our FBI family comes first."

Demi unhand cuffed Austin, and he stood up stretching, giving both the woman his smug smile.

"True that. So how do you want to play this?" asked Austin curiously.

"We'll walk out of here and make them think we grilled you and found nothing, then me and Selena go grab a bite and you do whatever it is you do. Feeling like taco's Sel?" asked Demi smirking.

"OOh yeah, with some guacamole. I know a place." Selena exclaimed excitedly.

Austin shrugged and said,"Whatever works."

"Alright lets go." Demi said holding the door open, as the three of them exited the office. They quickly left the house, giving Camila a look once they passed the living room.

When the front door was slammed shut, Camila turned to Zayn and said,"I want two tails on him asap, around the clock. Send everything to Demi. Do not engage, just do some recon for our FBI friends until they can get the proper warrants."

Zayn nodded and quickly left the room.

Minutes later, Tori entered the room and said,"What did I miss."

Shaking her head, Camila looped her arms around Tori's and said,"Lets go get some coffee while I fill you in."

Turning to the teen, Camila said,"Hey you up for some Pie? Jenny makes this amazing pie, and I bet there's still some in there for us."

Ericka nodded her head and gave her guardian a smile.


The three woman and teen sat at the kitchen island devouring Jenny's amazing Cherry yum yum and held the current situation as their desert conversation.

"Do you want to continue the opening for the Cabello group?" asked Tori gently.

Camila shot her lawyer a look and exclaimed,"Of course, why wouldn't I?"

Tori nervously looked at Camila and said,"It's a wonderful idea Mila. The possibilities for these kids is endless.... but with everything that's going on, you don't want to post pone it? At least until things die down?"

"Absolutely not. If we backed away from this project, then were letting every criminal in Chicago know they can get away with anything as long as they attack our cops. I don't think so. These thugs are using kids with less than nothing. They have no family, no one to protect them, and their using the only chance they have to make them future criminals. No, if we quit now, then every person that died, would have died for nothing. These cops were gunned down because the thugs of this city didn't want the balance of power tipped against them. Well I don't just want it tipped, I want it flipped the hell over. They wont get away with this, and if I have to use every dollar I have to make sure they pay, then that's what I'll do." Camila ranted angrily, unaware of the admiration in the teens eyes, as the other two woman looked at her in worry.

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