Chapter one

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**Author's Note**

Just to make it clear, Dylan's a GIRL not a BOY. That's it basically c;

I hope you guys like my story. Vote?:v Comment on how I improve and shizzle.

Thank you! It means a lot to me when I get more reads c;<


Dylan's point of view

"Dylan!" I turn around as I hear my name being called. I see Elecktra, my best friend, rushing over to hug me. I wrap my arms tightly around her, and breathe in her sweet smell. "Oh my god! I haven't seen you in like decades! I've missed you so much, darling!" she exclaims. " Awh, I missed you too, El!" I reply. It really has been ages since the last time I saw her, which was before the summer holidays, since she went to Spain for holiday, I didn't get to see her during the last few weeks.

Elecktra and I have been best friends since forever. She's like a sister to me, and I wouldn't want to see her hurt. Even though we're in year 10 now, I sadly haven't developed yet, whereas, my best friend who always looks stunning, looks very mature for her age. I don't really talk to people much because I am really shy, I have no confidence whatsoever. Elecktra is charming, amazing and really talented. All the boys at our school swoon over her, although she hasn't shown particular interest in any of them, she does sometimes flirt with them to get her own way. I find it really funny when she does that.

After like 15 minutes of hugging, we finally break apart and walk arm in arm in to the school main area. I immediately look down as we go through the crowded part of the school. I hate it when people look at me for more than a second, I start getting really nervous and uncomfortable. Even with Elecktra beside me, I can't even seem to look up when people from our year greet us, and hugs go all around. I quickly back away to avoid making physical or eye contact with anyone. I watch as Elecktra greets each and everyone and gives them a hug. Elecktra's really nice like that and she has an amazing voice. Me? Well I'd just look down and not make eye contact with anyone. It's not that I don't like people, it's just that I get really scared and paranoid when someone tries to talk to me. Most people will consider me as rude and others state that I'm "socially awkward". I guess I don't blame them for thinking that, that's why I spend most of my time in my room alone, listening to music, write or create something. Music, English and Art are my life, without them I'd be incomplete.

I noticed that it got pretty crowded where I was standing so I rushed out of that corner I was in, I felt like I was about to be eaten. I see Elecktra still greeting people, so I decide to go outside and get some air. I step out of the building and am suddenly welcomed with a cold gush of wind that brushes past my curly black hair. I hate my hair, it is really curly and frizzy. Also it is a really dark black, I want brown hair, like Elecktra's. She has straight brown hair, followed by a pale skin tone which really brightens her clear blue eyes. She is really pretty. I, on the other hand, have stupid black curly hair, followed by piercing green eyes that I hate and olive coloured skin.

I make my way round to the back of the huts where hardly anybody hangs around there. I sit on a rock and sigh. I listen to the birds chirping for a while when I hear a sound. I strain my ears to hear that sound again. I hear it again. This time I hear footsteps coming towards me, I tense. And then I think it might be Elecktra, looking for me, she knows I come here often, we always hang around here, so I relax a little. I wait for Elecktra to round the corner and see me, but she seems to be taking her time. I soon realise that this intruder was not my best friend, but someone else entirely...

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