Chapter four

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I slowly turn around to find Hayden grinning down at me with a surprised expression on his face. Seriously? He was snooping?! I groan under my breath. "Where did you learn to sing like that?!" he exclaims, "You were AMAZING!". "I'm not that good..." I mumble under my breath, looking down once again. "Not good? You were great!" he states. I sigh and walk past him. I feel him watching my every move, it's kinda creepy. "Hey, why don't you ever talk?" he asks. I just continue walking in to my Music class to retrieve my bag. I'm about to head through the door, when he blocks my way. "I'm not moving until you answer my question" he says, looking slightly annoyed and... hurt? "Please get out of my way..." I mumble. He doesn't budge, "Not until you answer my question" he states. I sigh and say, "I'm just ''socially awkward'' meaning I don't like talking to people". He looks down at me with a confused look on his face. I take that opportunity to push past him and head to my next lesson, Maths (great!). "It's not over, yet!" he yells, behind me. I continue walking fast to my next lesson. I just hope he's not in my Maths lesson as well.

I arrive just in time and sit down next to Elecktra. About 5 minutes later, Hayden walks in to the classroom, I groan under my breath. As soon as he walks in, Elecktra looks up at him and smiles, he smiles back. I just look down at my Maths book. As there wasn't an empty seat next to me, Hayden sits behind me instead, I let out a sigh of relief. At least he won't be staring at my face. Why is he doing that though? Seriously, I'm pretty sure he's aware of Elecktra liking him, then why is he trying to be my friend? Can't he just confront Elecktra, straight on? Gosh, boys are so annoying. "Dylan!" I jump up as I hear my name being called. I see Elecktra looking at me worriedly. "Are you ok? You just seemed to go in to a trance..." She trailed off. "I'm okay, El" I reply, smiling. "Welcome back, everyone. Now on to Maths, to start off, we're going to be doing Simultaneous Equations for the next few weeks!" Mr Burning, our Maths teacher, says. I sigh, I hate Maths even though I'm pretty good at it, but it doesn't mean I like it. "I comprehend that we have a new student in our class" he beams at Hayden. "I'm sure you all will make him feel welcome" he says. Everyone turns to look at Hayden except me, I just continue looking down at my desk. "Settle down, everyone. Now I need you to get into groups of 2-3 for this next activity we'll be doing 'till the end of this lesson" Mr Burning orders. "You have one minute to get into your groups" he yells, above the noise of people getting in to their groups. Me and Elecktra always worked together and since he said 3-2 we were gunna be a pair. Or so I thought until Elecktra asks Hayden if he wants to be in our group, and of course him being him and liking Elecktra and all, he said yes. Great, so now I was stuck between two people who like each other, one of them being my best friend and the other probably being the person I dislike the most right now, since I'm trying to avoid him. Hayden drags his chair over to our table, facing us, he sits down.

Me, being me, I stare down at my Maths book. "Hey did you know Dylan can SING?!" Hayden asks Elecktra. Elecktra raises an eyebrow and looks towards me, "Yeah, I did, she's only sang to me before..." Elecktra replied, a hint of sadness in her voice. I look towards Elecktra, pleading her with my eyes to not feel betrayed. "Oh, she only sings to you?" Hayden asked, confused. "I wasn't exactly singing to him, he heard me singing when I was at my Music lesson..." I mumble under my breath, looking down. Apparently I was loud enough for them to hear me because they both looked at me with confused looks on their faces. I kept looking down. "Lets just get on with the work" Elecktra says, and I mentally thank her. I found the activity pretty easy, so I got on with my work while Elecktra and Hayden talked, but I could feel Hayden's eyes on me all through lesson. Is he some kind of pervert or something? The bell finally goes signalling for Break. I finish off my work just in time and start packing.

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