Chapter seven

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I step in to my house, and take my shoes off. "How was school today, hunny?" my mum asks, in a fake, sweet tone. "Oh, it was okay..." I mumble and make my way up the stairs, avoiding any further conversation. I know it's cruel and all, but I hate my mum more than my dad. She doesn't even like me and pretends to be nice to me, I know she sees me as a failure, I know I'm an embarrassment and that I humiliate her in front of her stuck-up friends. She's mainly the reason I hardly ever talk anymore. She's always bragging about my older sister, her being perfect and beautiful, she never mentions me to anyone. I feel like I was a mistake, like I'm not and never will be wanted. I feel like I'm just a burden on my parents, like I'm their responsibility and they have to put up with me until I become independent, and then they're going to throw me away like trash. I've noticed the way my mum looks at my older sister, her eyes full of pride and when she looks at me, her face is adorned with disgust, like I'm something out of a toilet seat. I sigh, there was no point feeling sorry for myself, it wouldn't change anything. Why couldn't I be more like my sister? With straight blond hair, grey eyes and fair skin? Why do I have to be like... me? I feel tears in my eyes and fiercely wipe them away. No. I wasn't going to cry again. I get changed into a short-sleeved shirt and some cargo shorts. I plug in my headphones and play the piano, going through some warming up exercises to flex my fingers. Then I start playing the piece I'm currently working on for my Music exam and get hypnotised by the music.

I realised that I'd been playing for 2 hours straight. My fingers were red and sore but I was used to the pain now. I slide off the stool I was sitting on and grab my phone and plug in my ear phones. That's when I realised I had a text from a unknown number, hmm, who might that be? I open the message to read:

Hey, Dylan! It's my Hayden! Add me on your phone! Thanks, see you tomorrow! ;]

What the...? How the heck did he get my phone number?! I let out a frustrated sigh, but I add him anyway. I text him back saying:

How the heck did you get my number?! And don't you dare stall...>:|

I sigh, and start listening to ''Viva La Vida'' by Coldplay. I silently hum along with the music when I feel my phone vibrate, I look at my phone to find I have received a message...from Hayden. It says:

Haha! I know you're mad >;]. But I shall not reveal the fact about how I got your number, I'm sorry that is a confidential piece of information, and I have no intention of revealing it. No matter how much you threaten me, I will stand my ground, sorry for any inconvenience... >:].

I let out a groan and text:

You're really ticking me off. Fine, don't tell me, like I give a damn ._.

I switch my phone off and start listening to my iPod. I drum to the beat of ''Can't Hold us'' By Macklemore ft. Ryan Lewis. I smile, because I love the piano chords in this song. I decide on doing some of my homework, but then get bored really quickly. I decide to go to the park and go for a little walk. I change my shirt in to a blue, short-sleeved one and change my cargos for some denim shorts that come down to my knees, I hate wearing really short ones, in my opinion they look a bit exposive, in other others words a bit slutty. I take some money just in case and walk out of the front door listening to ''If You Could See Me Now'' By The Script. I hum to the song and make my way to the park. I walk through the grass, enjoying the weather and the feeling when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see Hayden grinning down at me. How the...? "Hey, Dylan!" he exclaims. I look at him, shocked. "Are you stalking me?" I ask him suspiciously. He laughs and says, "Maybe...". I look at him, in disbelief. "Seriously?! Why in the world are you even stalking me, you creep" I snap, looking a bit peeved. I was sick of him following me everywhere, what was his problem? Seriously. He looked kind of hurt, like I slapped him or something. "I'm not stalking you, I just saw you here..." he trailed off, hanging his head. I felt a pang of guilt, and instantly regretted snapping at him. "Sorry..." I mumble, looking down at the ground. He looks up, and he smiles, lighting his eyes up. "It's okay!" he yells like a little kid. I chuckle at his stupidity. "What?" he asks, confused. I shake my head and carry on walking.

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