Chapter five

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Elecktra and Hayden are still talking to each other so I just hang behind, not wanting to interfere. I swear even then Hayden keeps looking back at me, what is his problem? Seriously, talk about creepers. I keep my head down, just like normal. I never used to be this quiet, shy girl. Well I did used to be shy, but not this shy, like I am now. But then, having a perfect older sister, it's hard to keep up to your parent's expectations. My older sister is PERFECT. She's beautiful, she has many talents and I have to look up to her. She has an amazing voice, just like Elecktra's. And the reason why I have no confidence whatsoever is because I keep getting compared to my sister, my best friend and other people. "Oh Dylan, why do you have to be like this? Why can't you just be like your sister more?" my mum always demands. She sometimes calls me useless, and I don't like her. Same with my dad, he compares me to Elecktra the most. And I finally realised why they compare me to other people a lot. It's because I'm too embarrassing to be their daughter, I'm useless and ugly. Even at school, people may not say it in front of Elecktra, but I know they're talking behind her back. Inquiring why Elecktra is friends with a loser like me. This happened as soon as went in to Secondary school. People started to bring me down and I felt like crying. So now I'm just in the shadow of my best friend, and my older sister. I stay quiet, and not make any eye contact. You'd think after that, Elecktra would stop being friends with me, but she said she loves me and she'll never abandon me for anyone else.

But now, I feel like she's slowly abandoning me for Hayden. Out of no where, a tear rolls down my cheek. I make sure my head's down so no-one sees me crying. As I keep on walking, more tears continue to fall down and before I know it, I'm crying. I see Hayden looking at me again, and I hide my face behind a curtain of my dark hair. I hurry up to Elecktra and mumble "Oh... I-I'm just gunna go to the toilet... you can carry on..." I still keep my head down, and run to the toilet before she even has time to respond. I burst in to the toilet and luckily no-one's there and I quickly lock my self in a cubicle. I pull the toilet seat's lid down and sit on it. I silently cry to my self with my head in my knees. Many people come in and out of the toilet, some knocking on the door of the cubicle I was in, I just ignore the knocks, the shouts, the bangs and cry silently. "Oh come on! It was meant to happen! Did you really think that Elecktra would be your best friend forever? No. She was only pretending, she wouldn't wanna be friends with an ugly cow like you", a voice in my head sneered. I stopped crying and wiped my eyes. I never wear make-up or any other crap on my face, so I don't have to deal with any mascara running down, making me look even uglier or anything. I realise the bell has long gone signalling for next period. I quickly get my stuff and head out of the toilet to Chemistry (ugh). I quickly make a fake note saying I was in the Student Support Centre, hence I was late. And sign it off stating it was from my House Director. I am good at forging signatures, I don't know why, but I just am. I do that to avoid getting in trouble. I open the door, step in to the classroom, and mumble, "Sorry, I'm late Miss, I was at the Student Support Centre," walking towards her, and handing the note. "It's ok, Dylan, take a seat" she replies. I keep my head down and notice that Hayden and Elecktra are sitting together, Hayden pats the seat next to him, signalling for me to sit down over there, I pretend to not notice him and sit at the front by myself. 

I also hate Science, and I never get why I'm in the first set for all three of the Sciences, considering I don't get a single thing. We're given a revision booklet and are told to answer all of the questions. "I just want to know what you know and what we need to work on" Miss Southall explains. "You can work with the person next to you, or you can work by yourself" she states. I Keep my head down and go through the questions. There were like 100 questions all to do with different aspects of Chemistry, and I only get like 68% of the questions on the sheet. I sigh, I surely am going to fail the Sciences for GCSE. I see movement next to me from the corner of my eye and jump. Gosh, why am I so jumpy? I see Elecktra looking down at me and pretend that I haven't noticed her yet. I tilt my head so my hair is blocking my face from the direction Elecktra's looking at me, so she can't see my face. I see movement on my other side and see Hayden looking down at me, I tilt my head so my hair is hiding my face from both sides, and I continue with my work, pretending that I'm completely oblivious to the fact that they're staring me down, boring their eyes in to my face like a bunch of paedophiles.

I sense them starting to get impatient and eventually, Elecktra and Hayden both start tickling me. What the...? Before I know it I'm laughing like a maniac. "Stop!" I choke out between hiccups of laughter, they both continue. I kick one of them, and see Hayden bending over, on his knees, laughing in pain. I guess I must've kicked him. Elecktra stops and violently turns me around, so I'm facing her. "What's wrong with you? Why are you acting so distant? Why are your eyes red? Having you been crying?" she demands. "I... uh... nothing's um... wrong with me... El. Why would you er... even think that? And... um... I just have... uh... allergies" I lie. She studies my face, and it's blatant that she thinks I'm lying, but says nothing. "That was not nice, Dylan!" Hayden exclaims. I just shrug my shoulders and carry on with my work, acting like nothing happened. "I'm gunna get you back for that, Dylan!" Hayden threatens. I give him a 'Yeah sure, whatever' look. I sense Elecktra staring at me and try to ignore her. I would've thought they both would've gone back to their seats but no, they stayed there and kept track of my every move. Hayden's turned my best friend in to a paedophile, great. I sigh. "Do you guys like have a problem with my face?" I ask, giving them a serious look. "No, we just like staring at it, problem?" Hayden inquires. "Uh... yeah actually, you're kinda putting me off my work by making me feel uncomfortable" I mumble under my breath. "Well that's your problem, me and Elecktra are gunna stare at you as much as we want" he replies. I get annoyed. Who is he to look at my face? The creep. "Well, you could really use a mint" I snap, half joking. He cracks up, "You're funny when you're mad" he states, I give him a 'Don't mess with me' glare. "Please tell your boyfriend to quit making me mad" I whisper to Elecktra, she blushes. "He's not my boyfriend, you doofus" she whispers back. I roll my eyes. "Hey, no fair! I wanna know what you two are whispering about!" Hayden protests, I roll my eyes at him and continue with my work. "Well!" Hayden huffs. I silently chuckle to myself, and draw in my planner, blocking the world out and go in to a day dream...

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